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Original Research

Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Anne-Heloise Stricker-Krongrad, Zahra Alikhassy, MD, Nicolette Matsangos Raul Sebastian, MD, Guy Marti, MD, Frank Lay, BS, and John W. Harmon, MD, FACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCAn...
Efficacy of Chitosan-Based Dressing for Control of Bleeding in Excisional Wounds Anne-Heloise Stricker-Krongrad,a,b Zahra Alikhassy, MD,a,b Nicolette Matsangosa,b Raul Sebastian, MD,b Guy Marti, MD,b,c Frank Lay, BS,a,b and John W....
Efficacy of Chitosan-Based Dressing for Control of Bleeding in Excisional Wounds Anne-Heloise Stricker-Krongrad,a,b Zahra Alikhassy, MD,a,b Nicolette Matsangosa,b Raul Sebastian, MD,b Guy Marti, MD,b,c Frank Lay, BS,a,b and John W....
Efficacy of Chitosan-Based...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Taryn E. Travis, MD, Pejhman Ghassemi, PhD, Nicholas J. Prindeze, BS, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Bonnie C. Carney, BS,b Abdulnaser Alkhalil, PhD, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, PhD, and Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD,
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCTa...
Matrix Metalloproteinases Are Differentially Regulated and Responsive to Compression Therapy in a Red Duroc Model of Hypertrophic Scar Taryn E. Travis, MD,a,b Pejhman Ghassemi, PhD,c Nicholas J. Prindeze, BS,b Lauren T. Moffatt,...
Matrix Metalloproteinases Are Differentially Regulated and Responsive to Compression Therapy in a Red Duroc Model of Hypertrophic Scar Taryn E. Travis, MD,a,b Pejhman Ghassemi, PhD,c Nicholas J. Prindeze, BS,b Lauren T. Moffatt,...
Matrix Metalloproteinases...


Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Kenro Chikazawa, MD, PhD, Hiroyuki Kanao, MD, PhD, Tomonori Hada, MD, Sachiho Netsu, MD, PhD, Tomoyuki Kuwata, MD, PhD, and Ryo Konno, MD, PhD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCKe...
Efficacy of a Self-timed Trial of Laparoscopic Surgical Training Using a Dry Box Kenro Chikazawa, MD, PhD,a Hiroyuki Kanao, MD, PhD,b Tomonori Hada, MD,c Sachiho Netsu, MD, PhD,a Tomoyuki Kuwata, MD, PhD,a and Ryo Konno, MD,...
Efficacy of a Self-timed Trial of Laparoscopic Surgical Training Using a Dry Box Kenro Chikazawa, MD, PhD,a Hiroyuki Kanao, MD, PhD,b Tomonori Hada, MD,c Sachiho Netsu, MD, PhD,a Tomoyuki Kuwata, MD, PhD,a and Ryo Konno, MD,...
Efficacy of a Self-timed...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD, Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD, John Paul Tutela, MD, Arun Rao, MD, Saeed Chowdhry, MD, Ronald M. Brooks, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMa...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Injections: A Randomized, Prospective, Split-Face Trial Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD,a Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD,a,b John Paul Tutela, MD,a Arun Rao, MD,a Saeed Chowdhry, MD,a...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Injections: A Randomized, Prospective, Split-Face Trial Matthew R. Zeiderman, MD,a Shahrooz Sean Kelishadi, MD,a,b John Paul Tutela, MD,a Arun Rao, MD,a Saeed Chowdhry, MD,a...
Vapocoolant Anesthesia for...
Original Research
Matthew A. Applebaum
Erin L. Doren
Ali M. Ghanem
Simon R. Myers
Michael Harrington
David J. Smith
These data suggest that the objective assessment of hand motion is a valid tool for the evaluation of microsurgical skill.
These data suggest that the objective assessment of hand motion is a valid tool for the evaluation of microsurgical skill.
These data suggest that the...


Original Research
Arian S. Mowlavi, MD,a Tiffany L. Chamberlain, BS,b Astrid Melgar, BS,c Armin Talle, BS,c Sean Saadat, BS,d Soheil Sharifi-Amina, DO,e and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACSf
Arian S. Mowlavi, MD,a Tiffany L. Cha...
Upper Vault Septal Anatomy and Short Nasal Bone Syndrome: Implications for Rhinoplasty Arian S. Mowlavi, MD,a Tiffany L. Chamberlain, BS,b Astrid Melgar, BS,c Armin Talle, BS,c Sean Saadat, BS,d Soheil Sharifi-Amina, DO,e and...
Upper Vault Septal Anatomy and Short Nasal Bone Syndrome: Implications for Rhinoplasty Arian S. Mowlavi, MD,a Tiffany L. Chamberlain, BS,b Astrid Melgar, BS,c Armin Talle, BS,c Sean Saadat, BS,d Soheil Sharifi-Amina, DO,e and...
Upper Vault Septal Anatomy...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Joshua T. Henderson, BA, Steven A. Schulz, MD, Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS, Andrea R. Hiller, BS, J. Stephen Gunn, MD, Joshua H. Choo, MD, Morton L. Kasdan, MD, FACS, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCJo...
Preservation of the Sterile Matrix, Hyponychium, and Fingertip Pad in Fingertip Reconstruction With Composite Fingertip and Nail Bed Graft and Volar V-Y Advancement Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Steven A. Schulz, MD,b Andrew M....
Preservation of the Sterile Matrix, Hyponychium, and Fingertip Pad in Fingertip Reconstruction With Composite Fingertip and Nail Bed Graft and Volar V-Y Advancement Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Steven A. Schulz, MD,b Andrew M....
Preservation of the...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Lauren B. Nosanov, MD, Daniel Y. Jo, BS, Pranay R. Randad, BS, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Bonnie C. Carney, BS, Rachel T. Ortiz, MS, and Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCLa...
Effectiveness of a Glycylcycline Antibiotic for Reducing the Pathogenicity of Superantigen-Producing Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Burn Wounds Lauren B. Nosanov, MD,a,b Daniel Y. Jo, BS,b Pranay R. Randad, BS,b...
Effectiveness of a Glycylcycline Antibiotic for Reducing the Pathogenicity of Superantigen-Producing Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Burn Wounds Lauren B. Nosanov, MD,a,b Daniel Y. Jo, BS,b Pranay R. Randad, BS,b...
Effectiveness of a...


Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Mitchell Buller, MEng, Thomas J. Lee, MD, Jared Davis, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMi...
Bolstering Skin Grafts With a Surgical Scrub Brush: A Cost-effective Solution Mitchell Buller, MEng, Thomas J. Lee, MD, Jared Davis, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,...
Bolstering Skin Grafts With a Surgical Scrub Brush: A Cost-effective Solution Mitchell Buller, MEng, Thomas J. Lee, MD, Jared Davis, MD, and Bradon J. Wilhelmi, MD, FACS Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,...
Bolstering Skin Grafts...
Original Research
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Daniel P. Donato, MD, Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH, Michael O. Bishop, BA, Angela P. Presson, PhD, and Jayant P. Agarwal, MD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCDa...
Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set Daniel P. Donato, MD,a Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH,a Michael O. Bishop, BA,b Angela P. Presson, PhD,b and Jayant P. Agarwal,...
Unplanned Readmission in Outpatient Hand Surgery: An Analysis of 23,613 Patients in the NSQIP Data Set Daniel P. Donato, MD,a Alvin C. Kwok, MD MPH,a Michael O. Bishop, BA,b Angela P. Presson, PhD,b and Jayant P. Agarwal,...
Unplanned Readmission in...
