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Conference Coverage

Strategies for Infusion Providers to Advance Health Equity

John Hoffman, Principal, Advocating for Access

Explore the distinctions between health equity and DE&I, understand the impact of market influences on patient care outcomes, and discover practical strategies to enhance patient support in this interview with NICA 2024 session speaker John Hoffman, principal and CEO at Advocating for Access LLC.

Can you explain the key differences between health equity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I)? 

These terms are often used interchangeably but have very separate and distinct meanings. DE&I efforts are internally focused on employees, company culture, processes, and more. Health equity, however, is externally focused to address health disparities that exist in the broader community. 

John HoffmanHow do market influences impact health equity and patient care outcomes, and what steps can health care providers take to address these disparities?

There are many factors, big and small, that impact health disparities. The most influential factors, commonly referred to as the social determinants of health (SDOH), are significant forces that impact individuals and communities such as education, income, environmental factors, physical limitations, and more. To address these disparities in their patient population, providers can work with patients on an individual basis. Providers can also try to improve SDOH by advocating for policy changes related to health care, economic disparities, and positive social change. Providers can have the most impact on health disparities by understanding and working hard to address the challenges that each individual patient may be facing. 

In what ways can infusion companies enhance patient support to help mitigate health disparities and promote a more equitable health care environment?

Companies need to first educate themselves on all of the factors that contribute to health disparities and then make a sincere commitment to addressing them. 

What are some practical strategies shared in your NICA 2024 session that health care professionals and infusion therapy providers can implement to advance health equity? 

Perhaps the single most important thing that infusion providers can do is to learn what ancillary services such as transportation, child care, and affordability programs are available in the local community and make their patients aware of these services. 

What is one key takeaway from your session at NICA that you hope the audience walked away with?

Addressing health equity and the SDOH may seem like a daunting task-and it can be. But providers can make a substantial difference through understanding patient challenges and recommending possible solutions in their every day interactions with individual patients. 

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