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Feature Story
Paul Nicolaus
Researchers of a recent study evaluated the therapeutic value of new drugs granted either accelerated approval or conditional marketing authorization compared with drugs already available on the market.
Researchers of a recent study evaluated the therapeutic value of new drugs granted either accelerated approval or conditional marketing authorization compared with drugs already available on the market.
Researchers of a recent study...
First Report Managed Care


Cover Story
Dean Celia
Small studies are demonstrating value for individuals with depression, alcohol use disorder, and chronic pain. States and localities are showing a willingness to loosen restrictions. But the path to medical coverage is long, narrow, and...
Small studies are demonstrating value for individuals with depression, alcohol use disorder, and chronic pain. States and localities are showing a willingness to loosen restrictions. But the path to medical coverage is long, narrow, and...
Small studies are demonstrating...
First Report Managed Care
Headshot of Meilin Diaz-Paez, University of Miami, on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.
This 3-part video series provides an overview of graft vs host disease (GVHD), therapy options for chronic GVHD, and considerations for providers and payers to improve patient access to treatment.
This 3-part video series provides an overview of graft vs host disease (GVHD), therapy options for chronic GVHD, and considerations for providers and payers to improve patient access to treatment.
This 3-part video series...
First Report Managed Care
Feature Story
Dean Celia
A panel of experts weigh in on new firearm provisions and how they will impact mental health programs moving forward.
A panel of experts weigh in on new firearm provisions and how they will impact mental health programs moving forward.
A panel of experts weigh in on...
First Report Managed Care


Cover Story
Mary Beth Nierengarten
With the rise of gun violence across the United States, health care professionals and stakeholders across the continuum of care are calling out for recognition of gun violence as a public health issue.
With the rise of gun violence across the United States, health care professionals and stakeholders across the continuum of care are calling out for recognition of gun violence as a public health issue.
With the rise of gun violence...
First Report Managed Care
Ross Summer, MD
Edan Stanley
Ross Summer, MD, professor of medicine, director of interstitial lung disease program, section chief of allergy, pulmonary and critical care medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, offers insight through video interview series exploring...
Ross Summer, MD, professor of medicine, director of interstitial lung disease program, section chief of allergy, pulmonary and critical care medicine at Thomas Jefferson University, offers insight through video interview series exploring...
Ross Summer, MD, professor of...
First Report Managed Care


Cover Story
Dean Celia
Experts weigh in on 4 proposed reforms and examine each one's impact on payers, patients, providers, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Experts weigh in on 4 proposed reforms and examine each one's impact on payers, patients, providers, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Experts weigh in on 4 proposed...
First Report Managed Care
Mary Beth Nierengarten
Medical misinformation is a growing challenge throughout health care, exacerbated by the ubiquitous use of social media that reinforces people’s tendencies to perceive and believe in things supported by other people.
Medical misinformation is a growing challenge throughout health care, exacerbated by the ubiquitous use of social media that reinforces people’s tendencies to perceive and believe in things supported by other people.
Medical misinformation is a...
First Report Managed Care
Mary Beth Nierengarten
With hospitals and health care systems already under constant pressure to be adequately prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies, refining risk assessments and a network of partners with clear communication actively in place has...
With hospitals and health care systems already under constant pressure to be adequately prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies, refining risk assessments and a network of partners with clear communication actively in place has...
With hospitals and health care...
First Report Managed Care

