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Headshot of Michael Thorpy, MD
Julie Gould
Michael Thorpy, MD, reviews a study presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting that evaluated the efficacy of the investigational, once-nightly controlled-release formulation of sodium oxybate, known as FT218, for the treatment of excessive daytime...
Michael Thorpy, MD, reviews a study presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting that evaluated the efficacy of the investigational, once-nightly controlled-release formulation of sodium oxybate, known as FT218, for the treatment of excessive daytime...
Michael Thorpy, MD, reviews a...
First Report Managed Care


Headshot of Kaleb Kuhl on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.
Julie Gould
Maria Asimopoulos
Kaleb Kuhl, vice president of sales, Olio Health, discusses the cost variations associated with postacute care, the role of value-based care strategies, and what payers and accountable care organizations should know about managing patients...
Kaleb Kuhl, vice president of sales, Olio Health, discusses the cost variations associated with postacute care, the role of value-based care strategies, and what payers and accountable care organizations should know about managing patients...
Kaleb Kuhl, vice president of...
First Report Managed Care
KOL Headshot Card - Dark Blue, 1 speaker (1)_2.png
Julie Gould
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, reviews a study presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting that examined the use of an investigational treatment, FT218, which significantly improved excessive daytime...
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, reviews a study presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting that examined the use of an investigational treatment, FT218, which significantly improved excessive daytime...
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of...
First Report Managed Care
Chris Beyrer
Julie Gould
Chris Beyrer, MD, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, breaks down current rates of HIV across the United States as well as the challenges linked with controlling this...
Chris Beyrer, MD, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, breaks down current rates of HIV across the United States as well as the challenges linked with controlling this...
Chris Beyrer, MD, infectious...
First Report Managed Care


Gil Melmed, MD
Julie Gould
Gil Melmed, MD, gastroenterologist, discusses recurrence rates among patients with Clostridioides difficile infection, and breaks down the treatment challenges, high costs, and higher health care utilization this patient population often...
Gil Melmed, MD, gastroenterologist, discusses recurrence rates among patients with Clostridioides difficile infection, and breaks down the treatment challenges, high costs, and higher health care utilization this patient population often...
Gil Melmed, MD,...
First Report Managed Care
Reviewing the Benefits of a New Therapy Option for Narcolepsy
Julie Gould
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, reviews research presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting, examining a new agent for narcolepsy called FT218, and explains how patients treated with this new option...
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, reviews research presented at the 2021 Sleep meeting, examining a new agent for narcolepsy called FT218, and explains how patients treated with this new option...
Michael Thorpy, MD, professor of...
First Report Managed Care
Barry Gorlitsky, MD

Julie Gould

Julie Gould
Barry Gorlitsky, MD, discusses positive treatment outcomes among patients with gout, how to lower hospital readmissions among patients with diluted blood sodium due to kidney function issues, and introduces for the first time a new lower-cost...
Barry Gorlitsky, MD, discusses positive treatment outcomes among patients with gout, how to lower hospital readmissions among patients with diluted blood sodium due to kidney function issues, and introduces for the first time a new lower-cost...
Barry Gorlitsky, MD, discusses...
First Report Managed Care


Headshot of Dr Joanne Mortimer on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.
Julie Gould
Joanne Mortimer, MD, director of women’s cancer programs at City of Hope, discusses the unique challenges of treating breast cancer, the importance of patient-centered treatment, and what payers can do to better accommodate patient needs...
Joanne Mortimer, MD, director of women’s cancer programs at City of Hope, discusses the unique challenges of treating breast cancer, the importance of patient-centered treatment, and what payers can do to better accommodate patient needs...
Joanne Mortimer, MD, director of...
First Report Managed Care
Headshot of Dr Gil Melmed on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.
Julie Gould
In an effort to bring more awareness to Clostridioides difficile, Gil Melmed, MD, gastroenterologist, Cedars Sinai, Los Angeles, breaks down the typical treatment regimen for this patient population, reviews treatment guidelines, and...
In an effort to bring more awareness to Clostridioides difficile, Gil Melmed, MD, gastroenterologist, Cedars Sinai, Los Angeles, breaks down the typical treatment regimen for this patient population, reviews treatment guidelines, and...
In an effort to bring more...
First Report Managed Care

