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Bincy Abraham, MD, on Managing Extraintestinal Manifestations of IBD

In this video, Dr Abraham discusses how to treat skin, eye, and joint issues often seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.


Bincy Abraham, MD, is a professor of medicine at Houston Methodist Weill Cornell Medical School in Houston, Texas.




Hi. I'm Dr. Bincy Abraham, Professor of Clinical Medicine at Houston Methodist and Weill Cornell. I hope many of you were able to attend the Advances in IBD Regionals meeting.

During this conference, I presented on real-world management of common joints, skin, and eye manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease patients. I discussed the potential genetic influence in different extraintestinal manifestations as well as chronology and relationship of the extraintestinal manifestation with IBD disease activity.

I provided treatment approach to IBD associated arthropathies, including additional musculoskeletal manifestations such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. Besides a standard skin manifestation such as erythema nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum, I addressed management of psoriasis in our IBD patients. This included new or concomitant onset versus how to approach TNF inhibitor-induced psoriasis as well.

Another common complaint from our IBD patients include hair loss. Often, patients blame their IBD therapy. However, there are many other ideologies that need to be considered and treated. We discuss those as well.

For the ocular manifestations, some require urgent referral to ophthalmology to prevent long-term complications such as permanent loss of vision. Of course, the underlying IBD must be treated to optimize any of our extraintestinal manifestation outcomes.

I hope this presentation provides some useful information for management of extraintestinal manifestations in your practice.


