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Conference Coverage

Miguel Regueiro, MD, on S1P Inhibitors: Considerations for the ‘New Kid’ on the Block

In this video Dr Regueiro talks about the uses of the therapy for ulcerative colitis, S1P inhibitors, which he discussed at the AIBD regional meeting on September 11.


Miguel Regueiro, MD, is chair of the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.



I'm Dr. Miguel Regueiro. I'm chair of Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute in Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. I'm also the chair for the Regional AIBD sessions this year. I spoke at AIBD region on S1Ps.

This is an exciting new molecule that we now have coming to the market in the form of ozanimod. S1P is a new modulator for lymphocytes, which means that this blocks the lymphocytes’ egress from the lymph nodes, which means the lymphocytes can't get to areas of inflammation.

Specifically, I spoke about the mechanism of action of S1P, also the efficacy from the pivotal clinical trials, the good safety data, and how I position S1Ps in my own practice.

Now that we have the first S1P in the market as an oral small-molecule ozanimod, we had a lot of great discussion about how we position this in ulcerative colitis, also with our other therapies that are currently available. Thank you for attending AIBD Regionals. I hope to see everybody soon.



