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Raymond Cross, MD, Welcomes You to the AIBD Regional in Baltimore

Dr Cross, regional chair for the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, invites you to the in-person regional meeting in Baltimore March 31-April 1 -- and offers a discount on the registration fee!


Raymond Cross, MD, is professor of medicine and director of the IBD Program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.


Hello everyone. I'm Raymond Cross from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and I want to personally invite you to the first regional Advances in IBD for 2023, which will be in my home city of Baltimore at the Inner Harbor Sheraton.

The format this year is exciting, but a little different. We will have a half day of the course on Friday, followed by a full day on Saturday, April 1st. We, as expected, have a star-studded group of faculty and a packed agenda, including Millie Long, Florian Rieder, David Rubin, Stefan Holubar, Jess Allegretti, and Christina Ha. So I hope to see you there.

And to encourage you to attend, feel free to use my discount code, CROSS20, to receive 20% off your registration for the course. See you March 31st.




