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SIR 2014: Preparing Interventional Radiology for New Era in Health Care

Encouraging "Convergence," Society of Interventional Radiology Presents Specialty's Most Comprehensive Meeting; Early-bird Registration Ends Jan. 10, 2014

FAIRFAX, Va., Dec. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Society of Interventional Radiology will hold its 39th Annual Scientific Meeting March 22–27, 2014, in San Diego. SIR 2014 is the world's most comprehensive meeting dedicated to interventional radiology and will feature more than 400 scientific presentations and 250 hours in educational programming covering a broad range of image-guided, minimally invasive scientific advances. The meeting's theme, "Convergence," illustrates the multidimensional nature of this unique medical specialty and reflects the diversity of the program's topics and the members of the worldwide interventional radiology community.

"This is an exciting time for our specialty. Interventional radiology has always been at the fore of modern, technology-driven, image-guided medicine to improve patient care. Today, with value and quality often driving treatment choices for patients and health care systems alike, interventional radiology is often the best option for a wide variety of disease conditions," said Daniel B. Brown, M.D., FSIR, SIR's Annual Scientific Meeting program chair. "The SIR Annual Scientific Meeting is where we come together to reflect the breadth of our specialty as a global interventional radiology community," said Brown, professor of radiology and radiological sciences at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville.

SIR 2014's intensive program is designed to provide more interactivity, more hands-on learning and increased access to experts across the specialty, supplying a competitive edge in an evolving health care environment. In addition to workshops, categorical courses and other practical program elements, SIR 2014's plenary sessions will be the centerpiece of educational activities, offering comprehensive reviews of current data, explorations of the newest interventional techniques and frank discussions of potential treatment benefits. "The Next Big Thing in IR" plenary will explore new technologies and treatments, such as prostatic artery embolization, renal denervation, use of robotics, ablative cancer therapies and molecular interventional oncology.

SIR 2014 attendees can design a personal program around more than 15 educational pathways, such as current affairs (including navigating the Affordable Care Act, cosmetic IR, maintenance of certification and social media tools); practice development (radiation safety and day-to-day clinical practice advice from "In the Trenches" sessions); oncologic, gastrointestinal, neurovascular and carotid, peripheral arterial and venous interventions, renal insufficiency and embolization.  

The March 22 clinical symposium will focus on morbidity and mortality within peripheral arterial disease, oncology and embolization; the March 27 symposium will showcase "How I Do It" sessions in venous disease, embolization and oncology. SIR 2014's "In the Trenches" series will examine the day-to-day world of the interventional radiologist at various career stages. Categorical courses are designed to concentrate on a singular topic within the specialty, such as hemodialysis, portal hypertension, practice management and women's health. "Meet the Professors" sessions provide the unique opportunity for informal, provocative discussion with interventional radiology thought leaders.

All SIR 2014 sessions will take place at the San Diego Convention Center. The early-bird registration deadline is Jan. 10, 2014. The last chance to register at a discounted rate is Feb. 14, 2014, and attendees who book a room at an official SIR hotel will save $100 on registration. For more information about the Society of Interventional Radiology and/or to register for the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting, visit or


