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A Pilot Program of Automated Patient Identification for Survivorship Resources Using Clinical Oncology Pathways

Carly Powell, MPS; Christine L. Caranfa; Mathew Rice; Alex Post; Trang N. Nguyen; Sunyi Zhang, MS; Cari Ryding, RN, MSN; Alicia K. Morgans, MD, MPH; Elizabeth I. Buchbinder, MD; David M. Jackman, MD

Abstract 1852039


Manual electronic health record (EHR) reviews to identify patients eligible for survivorship resources can be arduous and, more importantly, risk omitting otherwise appropriate patients. Automated patient screening can make this process more efficient and accurate. Here, we discuss the creation of a new data service to expedite and improve the quality of the patient identification process.


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) oncologists navigate our web-based clinical pathways decision-support platform each time a patient starts a new therapy. For every navigation, structured data about patient and disease characteristics, clinical settings, relevant biomarkers, and selected treatments are collected. Combining this with information about patient status and visits creates a foundation for a standardized data source that can identify patients eligible for survivorship resources based on disease-specific criteria. This information is displayed in a Tableau dashboard with a daily update cadence.

Survivorship programs access this dashboard to extend survivorship resources to relevant patients.


As of April 2024, we have identified 272 DFCI patients with melanoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), or testicular cancer who are candidates for survivorship resources. With eight years of historical clinical pathways navigation data, scheduling information, and survival status, patients who met the disease-specific criteria and general eligibility requirements were identified in near real-time.

Disease Eligible Patients Identified
Testicular Cancer 75
Melanoma 188

Table 1. Eligible Patients With Testicular Cancer, Melanoma, and RCC
Abbreviation: RCC, renal cell carcinoma.


Survivorship programs play an integral aspect in a patient’s cancer journey. The clinical information provided by pathways navigations is a previously untapped resource that can be used to identify patients and build programs. We are excited by the potential impact of a pathways-driven automated patient identification system when implemented across additional diseases and user sites.

Authors and Affiliations


Carly Powell, MPS1; Christine L. Caranfa1; Matthew Rice1; Alex Post1; Trang N. Nguyen1; Sunyi Zhang, MS1; Cari Ryding, RN, MSN1; Alicia K. Morgans, MD, MPH1; Elizabeth I. Buchbind, MD1; David M. Jackman, MD1


1Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA


