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June 2020


Let’s Talk About Value
Editor's Page
Winston Wong, PharmD, Editor-in-Chief
Champions for value-based care seek to evolve the health care system to a model that emphasizes the importance of keeping people healthy, rewards physicians for coordinating care, provides the appropriate care for...
Champions for value-based care seek to evolve the health care system to a model that emphasizes the importance of keeping people healthy, rewards physicians for coordinating care, provides the appropriate care for...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Advancing Cancer Clinical Trials in the “New Normal”
Trending From ACCC
JCP Editors
As cancer programs and practices across the country transition into the chronic-phase landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) continues to respond to the needs of its...
As cancer programs and practices across the country transition into the chronic-phase landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) continues to respond to the needs of its...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Where Health Systems Are in the Shift to Value: Four Categories
Clinical Pathways GPS
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD—Column Editor
One could make the argument that there are four situational categories under which all health systems now fall on the journey toward more value-based care and away from the fee-for-service model. Assisting health...
One could make the argument that there are four situational categories under which all health systems now fall on the journey toward more value-based care and away from the fee-for-service model. Assisting health...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Journeying Through the Past, Present, and Future of Medicare Part D
Pharma Insights
Andrew Cournoyer, RPh, MBA
Charline Shan, RPh, MPh
Larry Blandford, PharmD—Column Editor
This article explores the beginnings of Medicare Part D and the different dynamics driving current and future change for various stakeholders including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, plan sponsors,...
This article explores the beginnings of Medicare Part D and the different dynamics driving current and future change for various stakeholders including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, plan sponsors,...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Partnership in Value-Based Care: Becoming and Finding Good Teammates
Engaging Payers
Lili Brillstein, MPH—Column Editor
Value-based care is a whole-person philosophy that relies on the diverse expertise of various stakeholders and the ability of each and all to effectively collaborate to deliver the most effective and comprehensive...
Value-based care is a whole-person philosophy that relies on the diverse expertise of various stakeholders and the ability of each and all to effectively collaborate to deliver the most effective and comprehensive...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Tumor-Agnostic Testing in a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Pathway
Pathways in Practice
JCP Editors
In this journal section, we speak with cancer care practitioners about their clinical pathways and pathways programs being used in their practice, including how they are being applied in a particular disease state...
In this journal section, we speak with cancer care practitioners about their clinical pathways and pathways programs being used in their practice, including how they are being applied in a particular disease state...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


Insights Gained From a Pilot Study Investigating Early Survivorship Care Interventions
From the Field
Deborah Christensen, MSN, APRN
Bonita S Agee, PhD
Cheryl Bellomo, MSN, RN, OCN
Abstract: Intermountain Healthcare, a Utah-based, not-for-profit organization, co-sponsored a pilot study to evaluate potential benefits of early survivorship care by offering a treatment summary and survivorship...
Abstract: Intermountain Healthcare, a Utah-based, not-for-profit organization, co-sponsored a pilot study to evaluate potential benefits of early survivorship care by offering a treatment summary and survivorship...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
COVID-19 Pandemic Vindicates the ISPOR Value Flower
Jason Shafrin, PhD
Kathy Lang, PhD
Ross Maclean, MD
Abstract: What is the right price for a new treatment for COVID-19? One common approach—which is frequently used worldwide and in the United States by the Institute of Clinical and Economic Review—measures treatment...
Abstract: What is the right price for a new treatment for COVID-19? One common approach—which is frequently used worldwide and in the United States by the Institute of Clinical and Economic Review—measures treatment...
Journal of Clinical Pathways


