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13th Biennial Meeting

International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting

January 17–21, 2016

Millbrook Conference Center

Queenstown, New Zealand

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Program Agenda 

Monday, January 18, 2016


Video 1: Steve Bailey discusses our current state of knowledge, our concerns and hopes for the future of bioresorbable scaffolds and novel coronary stents. 

Video 2: Alternative Access for TAVR / Mitral Valve Repair. Augusto Pichard leads the discussion about alternative access for TAVR and the enthusiasm the  IAGS members have about these approaches. The panel emphasizes the importance of training, centers of excellence, reimbursement and team-based approaches.

Video 3: Gary Roubin leads the panel in discussing the bright future of new technologies in peripheral vascular disease. Details and goals of the CREST-2 Registry are outlined. Optimal patient selection and credentialing of operators in approved centers will be extremely important. Gus Pichard summarizes the IAGS consensus on guidelines for DAPT.

Welcome & Introductions: Gary Roubin

Session 1: Coronary    

Chair: Steve Bailey

Panelists: Ronald Dick, Tarek Helmy,  Jamey Jacobs, Jeff Marshall, Sundeep Mishra, Max Muhs, Aniket Puri, Jason Struck, Hall Whitworth

Bioresorbable Scaffolds – Where do They Fit Best?

Speaker:  Steve Bailey

Novel Coronary Stents – Leaders Free, Cobra PzF and Other Biomimetic Stents                                         

Speaker:  Ian Meredith

Optimum Duration of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Following DES – 3 mos or 3 years?

Speaker:  Alfredo Rodriguez

Session 2:  Structural               

Chair: Augusto Pichard

Panelists: Seth Bilazarian, Jamey Jacobs, Patrick McCoy, Augusto Pichard, Alfredo Rodriguez,  David Wood

Alternative Access for TAVR – Carotid, Transcaval, Percutaneous TA

Speaker:  Adam Greenbaum

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair – Rubik’s Cube?

Speaker:  Brian O’Neill

Trancatheter Mitral Valve Replacement

Speaker:  Ian Meredith

Session 3: Endovascular        

Chair: Gary Roubin

Panelists: Robert Bersin, John Brumleve

Aortic Frontiers:  Treatment of Uncomplicated Type B Diss

Speaker:  Douglas Cavaye

Leave Nothing Behind:  Atherectomy, DCB, Both?

Speaker:  Germano DiSciascio

CREST-2:  Game Changer or Just Another Toothpaste?

Speaker:  Gary Roubin                         

Society Working Session / Transcatheter Valve Therapies

Chair:  Gary Roubin

Panelists: Robert Bersin, Simon Dixon, William O’Neill

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Video 1: Bill O’Neill leads a panel discussion to detail the important take-aways from day 2 of the 13th Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig meeting. Larry Dean recounts the important points of Coronary CTA, iFFR and Robotic PCI with other panelists including Tim Henry and Simon Dixon.

Video 2: Bill O’Neill leads a panel discussion to help summarize the sessions from day 2 of the 13th Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig meeting. Tim Henry discusses where we stand with renal denervation and cell therapy. Panelists include Larry Dean, Simon Dixon, Bill O’Neill, Gary Roubin and Bob Bersin.

Video 3: Bill O’Neill leads a panel discussion to detail topics discussed during day 2 of the 13th Biennial IAGS meeting. Bob Bersin discusses where we stand with these devices in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease and especially therapy below the knee.

Video 4: Lithoplasty, Insight and Wrap-up. Bill O’Neill leads a panel discussion to detail the important take-aways from the emerging therapies sessions of the 13th Biennial IAGS meeting.  Bob Bersin describes an exciting therapy called lithoplasty, in which balloon-delivered energy actually changes lesion compliance.

Session 4: Coronary 

Chair: Larry Dean

Panelists: Skip Anderson, Larry Dean, Lloyd Jones, Madhav Menon, Brian O’Murchu

Coronary CTA: Plaque characterization and iFFR

Speaker:  Jim Adams

Robotic PCI

Speaker: Rafi Beyar

Coronary CTOs – Latest Techniques and Patient Selection

Speaker: Sundeep Mishra

Session 5: Emerging Therapies        

Chair: Tim Henry

Panelists: Tony Dortimer, Ian Meredith

Renal Denervation: Is There Proof of Concept? Is there a Better Way?

Speaker: Tim Fischell

Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration-My Cells or Your Cells?

Speaker:  Tim Henry

Bioerodable Metallic Scaffolds

Speaker:  Nickolas Kipshidze

Session 6: Endovascular

Chair: Robert Bersin

Panelists: Douglas Cavaye, Nickolas Kipshidze, Ian Meredith, Gary Roubin

Bioerodable Vascular Stents: Are They the Answer?

Speaker:  Douglas Cavaye

Can We Get DCBs to Work in Critical Limb Ischemia?

Speaker:  Nickolas Kipshidze

Lithoplasty: A 'Disruptive' Technology

Speaker:  Robert Bersin

Society Working Session / Vascular Interventions

Chair: Robert Bersin

Panelists: Simon Dixon, William O’Neill

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Video 1:  Hemodynamics

Video 2:  Anticoagulants for the future

Video 3:  Lipid lowering and risk factors

Video 4:  Paravalvular Leaks

Video 5:  Bicuspid aortic valve disease

Video 6:  Left atrial appendage devices

Session 7: Hemodynamics

Chair: William O’Neill

Panelists: David Baron, Seth Bilazarian, Simon Dixon, Lillian Garcia Palmer, Fayaz Shawl, Marco Weinstein

High Risk PCI: Who Should Undergo PCI with Hemodynamic Support?

Speaker:  Paul Overlie

Update on Percutaneous LVADS and RVADS

Speaker: William O’Neill

Devices for Diastolic Dysfunction:  Drive a CORolla or Use a Parachute?

Speaker: Skip Anderson

Session 8: Drug Therapy

Chair: Jeff Marshall

Panelists: Paul Puccioni, Hall Whitworth, Michael Williams

Anticoagulants for PCI:  Back to the Future?

Speaker: Michael Cowley

Novel Antiplatelet Agents and Anticoagulants in ACS: on Par?

Speaker: Germano DiSciascio

Combination Lipid Lowering Therapy:  Which Drugs and in Whom

Speaker:  Jim Adams

Session 9: Structural

Chair: Brian O’Neill

Panelists: Adam Greenbaum, Ian Meredith, Gerard Wilkins, Ben Yerbury

Dealing with Perivalvular Leaks: Techniques, Data, and Path to Reimbursement

Speaker: Augusto Pichard

Interventional Treatment of the Bicuspid Aortic Valve

Speaker:  David Wood

Who Should Receive a LAA Device?

Speaker:  Michael Mooney

Society Working Session / Hemodynamic Support

Chair: William O’Neill

Panelists: Robert Bersin, Simon Dixon

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Video 1:  Left main intervention

Video 2:  Interventions in acute MI

Video 3:  Hypothermia and ECMO

Video 4:  Industry and physician collaboration

Session 10: Coronary 

Chair: Simon Dixon

Panelists: Steve Bailey, Seth Bilazarian, Ronald Dick, Germano DiSciascio, Tim Henry, Renato Ramos

Left Main PCI: Which Lesions, In Whom and How

Speaker:  Tarek Helmy

AMI Intervention: Best Strategies and New Devices

Speaker: Marco Weinstein

Hypothermia and ECMO for Cardiac Arrest

Speaker:  Michael Mooney

Session 11: Industry

Chair: Bonnie Weiner

Panelists: Skip Anderson, Evelyn Baram-Clothier, Larry Dean, Jay Hollman, Marcia Schallehn

How to Approach the Increasing Disconnect Between Evidence, Indication and Reimbursement

Speaker:  Jeff Marshall

Consolidation in the Device Industry: Will this Stifle or Promote Innovation?

Speaker:  Jamey Jacobs

Interventional Cardiology in Perspective: Future Societal Needs and Governmental Regulation at Crossroads?

Speaker: Paul Overlie

IAGS Business Meeting


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