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17th Biennial International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting

These proceedings summarize the educational activity of the 17th Biennial Meeting of the International Andreas Gruentzig Society held January 30 to February 2, 2024 in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Faculty Disclosures     Vendor Acknowledgments

2024 IAGS Summary Document

Program Agenda

Session 1: Coronary Session 1 - Elective PCI

1.1   DCB’s for De Novo Coronary Lesions: Which Lesions and Are We There Yet? 

1.2   Plaque Modification: When to Apply Ablative vs Disruptive Therapies

1.3   The Forgotten Side Branch in Bifurcation Lesions

Session 2: Structural Session 1 - Aortic Valve

2.1   TAVR for Aortic Insufficiency: Latest Devices and Do We Have “Sufficient” Evidence?

2.2   Lifelong TAVR Management and How to Deal with Leaflet Degeneration

2.3   TAVR for Moderate AS: Not So Fast

Session 3: Endovascular Session 1

3.1   DCBs, Stents and Endografts in Lower Extremity Interventions: What is Best? Leave Nothing Behind or a Lesion Specific Approach?

3.2   Endografts for Aortic Aneurysm: How do they ADVANCE? Stay in Bounds or Pay the Price? Suprarenal vs. Infrarenal Grafts? Or is Stabilization Therapy (EAST) the Answer?

3.3   Carotid Artery Intervention: Comparative Outcomes of Micromesh Stents and TCAR and Are They Better Than CEA?

Session 4: Coronary Session 2 - STEMI

4.1   COMPLETE Revascularization Following STEMI: Not Whether, When

4.2   Therapies to Minimize Myocardial Injury During STEMI

4.3   Therapies to Improve Microvascular Function During STEMI and PCI

Session 5: Structural Session 2 - Mitral and Triscuspid Repair

5.1   TMVR: Latest Transeptal Valves and Clinical Outcomes

5.2   TEER vs. Tricuspid Valve Replacement: Where To Go Following TRILUMINATE

5.3   Novel Devices for Interventional Tricuspid Repair: A Better “Mouse Trap”?

Session 6: Structural Session 3 - Atrial and Ventricular

6.1   LAA Occlusion: Is the “Square Peg in a Round Hole” Problem Now Solved?

6.2   Interventional Ventricular Remodeling in Heart Failure

6.3   Interventional Electrocautery: Open SESAME

Session 7: Hemodynamics Session 1

7.1   Circulatory Support for Complex, High Risk PCI: How to Predict Who Benefits

7.2   Circulatory Support for Cardiogenic Shock: Matching the Device Strategy to the Patient for Best Outcomes

7.3   Novel Devices and New Strategies for the Management of High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism

Session 8: Endovascular Session 2

8.1   Ultrasound Imaging for Endovascular Interventions: A New Standard?

8.2   Bioresorbable Scaffolds for BTK Interventions: Are They the Answer or Just Another “Hail Mary”?

8.3   BEST Approaches to Revascularization in Critical Limb Ischemia: Interventional or Surgical?

Session 9: Emerging Therapies Session 1

9.1   Integration of UHD and 3D Interventional Imaging

9.2   Renal Denervation: Comparison of Latest Therapeutic Approaches and Indications. Do We Need AUC Criteria?

9.3   Bio-Resorbable Scaffolds: What is their Future?

Session 10: Coronary Session 3

10.1   Invasive vs. Noninvasive Coronary Lesion Physiology: Who Should Get What and in Which Settings

10.2   A Critical Appraisal of Intravascular Imaging: When Does It Really Matter?

10.3   Latest Devices for CTO Intervention: Do They Improve Outcomes and Change Indications?

Session 11: Health Care Delivery Session 1

11.1   Artificial Intelligence in Interventional Medicine

11.2   Health Equity

11.3   The Consequences of Public Reporting and Star Ratings


