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40th Anniversary of PTCA

International Andreas Gruentzig Society Meeting


Zurich, Switzerland: September 18‐19, 2017


Stresa, Italy: September 21‐22, 2017


40th Anniversary of PTCA

Faculty Disclosure

Vendor Acknowledgment

Detailed Program Agenda


Program Agenda


Scientific Sessions


Welcome & Introductions

Gary Roubin, Stephan Windecker, Thomas Lüscher


Historical Perspectives

History of Coronary PTCA in Europe: It Began Here

Speaker: Bernhard Meier

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History of PTCA in the United States

Speaker:  Spencer King

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History of Coronary Stenting: More or Less

Speaker:  Patrick Serruys

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Primary PCI: The Most Valuable Contribution We Made

Speaker: Jorge Belardi

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Lessons Learned from Failed Interventions

Speaker: Stephan Windecker

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Plaque Modification: The Key to Complex Intervention

Speaker:  Michael Cowley

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Physiologic Guidance of Coronary Intervention: From Balloon Pressure Gradients to CT-FFR

Speaker: Pierre Leimgruber

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Image Guidance of Coronary Intervention: Define the Clinical Value

Speaker: Kirk Garratt

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Atherectomy: Making a Comeback Thanks to BVS, DCB and ISR

Speaker: Cindy Grines

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Lower-Extremity Intervention: From Dottering to DCBs: Are We Going in the Right Direction?

Speaker: Lawrence Garcia

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Acute Stroke Intervention: Now It’s Hot

Speaker: Gyula Gal

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Carotid Intervention: Where Do We Go From Here?

Speaker: Gary Roubin

Dr Roubin was scheduled to speak during the Historical Perspectives sessions on 9/18 but had travel delays and spoke during the Coronary Session 1 on 9/19 instead. His entire speech is therefore unavailable, but his presentation was discussed in the day's Summary Session.

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SESSION SUMMARY: Bioresorbable Stents

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SESSION SUMMARY: Pharmacotherapy for Atherosclerotic Regression

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SESSION SUMMARY: COMPLETE Revascularization in STEMI: How Far do We Go?

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SESSION SUMMARY: TAVR in Low-Risk Patients

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SESSION SUMMARY: How to Predict Who Benefits in Patients with Low Flow Low Gradient AS and LV Dysfunction

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SESSION SUMMARY: Alcohol Septal Ablation

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SESSION SUMMARY: Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair / TMVR (Tendyne, Twelve, Tiara, etc.)

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SESSION SUMMARY: Interventional Treatment of the Tricuspid Valve

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SUMMARY SESSION: Hemodynamic Support for AMI With Cardiogenic Shock

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SUMMARY SESSION: Percutaneous LVADs and RVADs for Heart Failure: No More Drips?

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SUMMARY SESSION: Interventional and Surgical Therapies for Massive PE: What's PERTinent?

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Special Session on Prevention of Cardioembolic Stroke

SESSION SUMMARY: PFO Closure: Who Do We Close Today?

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SESSION SUMMARY: LAA Closure: Mainstream or Niche?

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SESSION SUMMARY: Arch Protection for Structural Interventions: A Filtered Claret?

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SESSION SUMMARY: Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients Undergoing Structural Heart or Coronary Interventions with Afib and High CHADS‐Vasc Scores

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Emerging Therapies

SUMMARY SESSION: New Devices For Coronary CTOs: Soundbites on Plasma Wires

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SUMMARY SESSION: New Frontiers in Radial Intervention: Will They Lead to More Complete Adoption?

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SUMMARY SESSION: Bioerodable Metallic Scaffolds

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SUMMARY SESSION: How Did We Get From Indicated to Not Medically Necessary and/or Rarely Appropriate?

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SUMMARY SESSION: How to Determine the Economic Value of Interventions?

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SUMMARY SESSION: How Do Physicians Maintain a Voice in the Rapidly Evolving Consolidation of Health Care Delivery?

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