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4th Biennial Meeting (1996, Aruba)

November 1996: A Beta–Particle Emitting Radioisotope Stent for the Prevention of Restenosis (PDF Only)
Tim A. Fischell, MD

November 1996: Endovascular Irradiation in the Therapy of Intimal Hyperplasia (PDF Only)
Dieter Liermann, MD, Bernhard Schopohl, MD, Günther Herrmann, MD

November 1996: The Need for Standardization Testing for Safety and Efficacy of Permanent Implant Stents (PDF Only)
Marv Woodall

November 1996: Gene Therapy for Restenosis (PDF Only)
Robert D. Simari, MD

November 1996: Interventional Cardiology: How Will We Cope with the Next Century? (PDF Only)
John G. Schulte

November 1996: Panel Discussion: Restenosis and Local Treatment (Part 2) (PDF Only)

January 1997: Chronic Coronary Occlusion — Treatment Options and Results (PDF Only)
Bernhard Meier, MD

January 1997: Catheter–Based Therapy for Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft Disease (PDF Only)
Kirk N. Garratt, MD

January 1997: High–Risk Coronary Intervention in Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD, FACC

January 1997: Panel Discussion: Cardiovascular (Part I) (PDF Only)

March 1997: Changes in Left Ventricular Function After Coronary Recanalization by Perc utaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) (PDF Only)
Carlos Antonio M. Gottschall, MD, Ibsen Trindade, MD, Vasco Miler, MD

March 1997: New Horizons in InterVentional Cardiology (PDF Only)
Rob Michiels

March 1997: Flow Capacity, How Much is Enough, Do We Have it, Do We Need More? (PDF Only)
David Auth, PhD, PE

March 1997: Panel Discussion: Cardiovascular (Part II) (PDF Only)

April 1997: Endoluminal Stent Grafts: Overview (PDF Only)
Juan Carlos Parodi, MD

April 1997: Femoro-Popliteal Interventions: Immediate Results and Long-Term Follow Up (PDF Only)
Gordon K. McLean, MD

April 1997: The Active Guide Catheter: A Lost Art Form or Obsolete Technology? (PDF Only)
Thomas J. Linnemeier, MD

April 1997: Radiation Exposure of Patients Having PTCA — Causes/Consequences of the WHO Report (PDF Only)
Eberhard Zeitler, MD

April 1997: Panel Discussion: Peripheral and Other Topics (PDF Only)

May 1997:
The Histopathology of Angiographic Chronic Total Coronary Artery Occlusions (PDF Only)
Sanjay Srivatsa, MBBChir, MRCP and David Holmes Jr, MD

May 1997: Intravascular Ultrasound Assessment of the Mechanisms and Predictors of Restenosis Following Coronary Angioplasty (PDF Only)
Gary S. Mintz, MD, Jeffrey J. Popma, MD, Augusto D. Pichard, MD, et al.

May 1997: Advances in Brachiocephalic Angioplasty (PDF Only)
Jiri J. Vitek, MD, Gary Roubin, MD, Jay Yadav, MD, Sriram Iyer, MD

May 1997: Panel Discussion: Cerebrovascular (Part I) (PDF Only)

June 1997: Newer Stents: Materials and Designs (PDF Only)
Rafael Beyar, MD, Ariel Roguin, MD

June 1997: Initial and Long-term Results of Treatment of Brachiocephalic Arterial Stenoses and Occlusions with Balloon Angioplasty, Thrombolysis, Stents (PDF Only)
Thomas O. McNamara, MD, Lloyd E. Greaser III, BS, John R. Fischer, MD, Y. Pierre Gobin, MD, Gary Duckwiler, MD

June 1997: Applied Cerebrovascular Anatomy/Pathology (PDF Only)
Mark Wholey, MD

June 1997: Panel Discussion: Cerebrovascular (Part II) (PDF Only)


Directory of IAGS Meeting Proceeds Published in JIC


October 1996 - Volume 8 – Number 8: Welcome & Introduction– Pages: 384 – 408

November/December 1996 – Volume 8 – Number 9: Part II – Pages: 459 – 485

January/February 1997 – Volume 9 – Number 1: Part III – Pages: 56 – 82

March 1997 – Volume 9 – Number 2: Part IV – Pages: 146 – 169

April 1997 – Volume 9 – Number 3: Part V – Pages: 227 – 248

May 1997 – Volume 9 – Number 4: Part VI – Pages: 294 – 322

June 1997 – Volume 9 – Number 5: Part VII – Pages: 363 - 396


