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5th Biennial Meeting (1998, Punta Del Este)

June 1998: Carotid Intervention: A Neurosurgeon’s Perspective (PDF Only)
L. Nelson Hopkins, MD, Giuseppe Lanzino, MD, Robert A. Mericle, MD Lee R. Guterman, PhD, MD

June 1998: Is the Direct CervicalApproach a Reasonable Option for Endovascular Intervention in the Carotid Artery? (PDF Only)
Frank J. Criado, MD, Eric Wellons, MD, Nancy S. Clark, MD

June 1998: Intracranial Angioplasty (PDF Only)
J.J. Connors III, MD and Joan C. Wojak, MD

June 1998: Carotid Interventions in Argentina — Our Results and Perspectives (PDF Only)
Hugo F. Londero, MD, FSCAI, Carlos Vozzi, MD, Carlos Gadda, MD, Oscar Mendiz,MD

June 1998: Carotid Stenting in 350 Vessels: Problems Faced and Solve (PDF Only)
Jiri Vitek, MD, PhD, Sriram Iyer, MD, Gary Roubin, MD, PhD

July 1998: Intravascular Sonography of Vessels and the Aorta: When Its Usefulness Can Be Achieved (PDF Only)
Gian P. Feltrin, MD, V. Iurilli, MD, C. Fittá, MD, D. Miotto, MD, M. Chiesura-Corona, MD, S. Savastano, MD

July 1998: The Relationship of U.S. Healthcare Policy to Decision Making in Vascular Intervention: Do 960 Patients really Have to Die? (PDF Only)
Jeffrey A.Werner, MD, Rhonda Staton, RN, Larry Leopold

July 1998: Cost-Effectiveness Studies in Interventional Cardiology (PDF Only)
Marvin L. Woodall

September 1998: PTA is an Outpatient Procedure (PDF Only)
Eberhard Zeitler, MD

September 1998: Below-Knee Angioplasty: Misguided Aggressiveness or Reasonable Opportunity? (PDF Only)

Frank J. Criado, MD, FACS, Mordechai Twena, MD, Omran Abdul-Khoudoud, MD Bahaaldin Al-Soufi, MD

September 1998: When to Stop Angioplasty in Peripheral Vessels (Arteries) (PDF Only)
Stefan A. Beyer-Enke, MD and Eberhard Zeitler, MD

September 1998: Carotid Stenting in Patients with Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease: A Preferred Approach (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD


September 1998: Novel Endovascular Suture Techniques for Aortic and Femoral Branch Arteries (PDF Only)
Constantin Cope, MD

October 1998: Gene Therapy for Restenosis: Progress or Frustration? (PDF Only)
Sigrid Nikol, MD, and Berthold Höfling, MD

October 1998: Insights into Coronary Restenosis: Lessons for Peripheral Vessels? (PDF Only)
Carlos Antonio M. Gottschall, MD, PhD

October 1998: Is Bigger Always Better in Arterial Intervention? (PDF Only)
Ted Feldman, MD

October 1998: Local Drug Delivery for Restenosis and Thrombosis — Progress? (PDF Only)
Peter Gonschior, MD

November 1998: Endovascular Therapy: The Mother of All Turf Wars (PDF Only)
John E. Abele

November 1998: Interventional MRI: TheWay to the Future (PDF Only)
Gustav K. von Schulthess, MD, PhD and Paul Hilfiker, MD

November 1998: A New Approach to Plaque Removal: The Redha-Cut Device (PDF Only)
Dai-Do Do, MD, Jürgen Triller, MD, Iris Baumgartner, MD, Andreas U. Freiburghaus, MD, Felix Mahler, MD

November 1998: Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair — Five Years Down the Road: Where to Now? (PDF Only)
James May, MS, FRACS, FACS, Geoffrey H. White, MS, FRACS, RichardWaugh, FRACR, et al.

January 1999: Plaque Removal Prior to Stent Implantation in Native Coronary Arteries: Why? When? and How? (PDF Only)
Issam Moussa, MD, Carlo Di Mario, PhD, MD, Antonio Colombo, MD

January 1999: Coronary Stenting Challenges: Technique, Design and Pharmacology (PDF Only)
Thomas J. Linnemeier, MD

January 1999: The Use of Intravascular Ultrasound and Spot Stenting for the Treatment of Long Lesions and Small Vessels (PDF Only)
Issam Moussa, MD, Joseph De Gregorio, MD, Carlo Di Mario, PhD, MD, Antonio Colombo, MD

January 1999: Stent Trials in Acute Myocardial Infarction (PDF Only)

February 1999: Emergency Treatment of Ischemic Stroke (PDF Only)
J.J. Connors III, MD

February 1999: Renal Artery Intervention: Origins and New Technical Advances (PDF Only)
Felix Mahler, MD, Iris Baumgartner, MD, Dai-Do Do, MD, Jürgen Triller,

February 1999: Renal Artery Stenosis — Under-diagnosed and Under-treated in the Cardiac Patient? (PDF Only)
Richard Stack, MD

March 1999: Percutaneous Transluminal Myocardial Revascularization: An Emerging Technology (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD

March 1999: Less Invasive Heart Surgery (PDF Only)
Alex Zapolanski, MD, Michael B. Pliam, MD, PhD, Laurel Mengarelli, RN

March 1999: Integrated Coronary Revascularization (PDF Only)
Howard A. Cohen, MD and Marco Zenati, MD

March 1999: Transmyocardial Revascularization: An Industry Perspective (PDF Only)
John E. Ahern


Directory of IAGS Meeting Proceeds Published in JIC

June 1998 – Volume 10 – Number 5 – Pages: 279 – 314

July/August 1998 – Volume 10 – Number 6 – Pages: 355 – 369

September 1998 – Volume 10 – Number 7 – Pages: 410 – 446

October 1998 – Volume 10 – Number 8 – Pages: 506 – 532

November/December 1998 – Volume 10 – Number 9 – Pages: 568 – 586

January 1999 – Volume 11 – Number 1 – Pages: 36 – 60

February 1999 – Volume 11 – Number 2 – Pages: 93 – 106

March 1999 – Volume 11 – Number 3 – Pages: 169 – 194


