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DES for SVG Stenosis — We All Want to Do It, But Are
We There Yet?

Charles S. Smith, MD and Yerem Yeghiazarians, MD
October 2007

More than 400,000 coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operations are performed annually in the United States, with the saphenous vein graft (SVG) as the major type of conduit.1 However, surgical revascularization is not definitive, and recurrent angina occurs in 5–10% of patients per year.2 While progression of native coronary atherosclerosis explains some of the symptom recurrence, disease of the grafts is a major problem — over 50% of SVGs are severely diseased or occluded after 10 years.3,4 Because re-do CABG is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, SVGs now represent 10–15% of the targets for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in most institutions.5 However, the optimal stent type for SVG lesions remains undefined. Use of bare-metal stents (BMS) in the Saphenous Vein De Novo (SAVED) trial resulted in improved procedural outcomes and a reduced rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) compared to balloon angioplasty, but was associated with a restenosis rate of 37% at the mandated 6-month angiographic follow up.6

The problem of restenosis in SVGs would seem to have an easy solution: drug-eluting stents (DES), which have been shown to significantly reduce restenosis in native coronary arteries.7,8 Despite frequent use in clinical practice, the data supporting PCI of SVGs using DES are limited, and the current guidelines give DES a Class IIb recommendation in this setting.9 The Reduction of Restenosis in SVG with Cypher sirolimus-eluting stent (RRISC) trial is the only randomized comparison of BMS versus DES to date, and is limited by being a single-center study with a small sample size, underpowered for clinical endpoints.10 Late lumen loss, restenosis rate and repeat target lesion and vessel revascularization were significantly reduced at 6 months in patients with sirolimus-eluting stents (SES), but longer-term follow up (up to 3 years) revealed that this difference was no longer present and, notably, the patients with SES had significantly higher late mortality.11 The observational studies involving SES,12–14 paclitaxel-eluting stents (PES),15–17 or both,18,19 have been characterized by small sample sizes, often at single centers with short follow up (most around 6 months), and the biases inherent in the observational design. Another retrospective study compares patients treated with SES versus those treated with PES, demonstrating similar procedural success and MACE rates with follow up to 6 months, but with no BMS control group.20

In this issue of the journal, Ellis et al compared patients receiving SES for de novo SVG lesions with matched controls receiving BMS.21 They addressed the limitations of previous trials by enrolling a larger number of patients from multiple centers, choosing clinically-driven target vessel revascularization (TVR) as the primary endpoint, and following patients for 12 months. Entry criteria were slightly broader than for the RRISC trial, and the current study had more diabetic patients (39% vs. 15% in RRISC), more hypertensive patients (83% vs. 57%), and younger SVGs (mean 119 vs. 150 months). A trend towards reduced TVR (6.8% vs. 11.8%) and binary restenosis (7.4% vs. 13.6%) at 12 months was seen in patients who received SES, but neither endpoint reached statistical significance. Importantly, there was no difference in mortality between groups at 12 months. The authors conclude that SES “appear to modestly reduce TVR without apparent safety risk compared with BMS” and “in conjunction with other available studies, the data support Cypher use” in treating SVG stenosis. However, several important limitations of the study should be noted.

First, the study enrolled fewer patients than specified by the power calculation, increasing the likelihood of Type II (beta) error. Unfortunately, the power to detect a difference was also compromised by the surprisingly low rate of restenosis in the BMS group. The binary restenosis rate for BMS was 13.6%, compared to 30.6% in the RRISC trial, and the TVR rate was 11.8%, compared to 27% (even with 6 more months of follow up). However, the restenosis and TVR rates for SES of 7.4% and 6.8% at 12 months, respectively, are comparable to those seen in the RRISC trial (11.3% and 5.3% at 6 months).10 The lower restenosis rate with BMS implantation is not explained, but may be due in part to a lack of mandated angiographic follow up.

Second, the duration of follow up, while longer than most of the other observational studies, remains relatively short given recent concerns about the long-term safety of DES.22–27 Especially worrisome is the finding of 11 deaths (29%) in the SES group compared to 0 deaths in the BMS group after a median follow up of 32 months in the RRISC trial.11 The majority of these deaths occurred after 12 months of follow up (including a definite stent thrombosis at 14.5 months associated with the cessation of dual antiplatelet therapy), stressing the need for follow up on the order of several years.

Finally, the usual criticisms of observational studies can be applied. However, the authors were able to match cases and controls well for characteristics that typically contribute significantlyto the risk of restenosis in native coronary arteries including diabetes mellitus, lesion length and reference vessel diameter. Indeed, matching of vessel diameter (smaller in DES patients) and lesion length (longer in DES patients) was a problem in a recently presented observational study involving a large number of SVG PCIs with 9-month follow up, which also showed a nonsignificant trend towards reduced TVR rate in patients with DES.28 Additionally, in the current study, patients were also matched with controls from the same site and as close in time as possible, thereby minimizing bias arising from changing practice patterns with time and by institution.

Of note, taking advantage of the increased sample size compared to prior studies, the authors attempted to analyze prespecified subgroups for restenosis risk. We agree with the authors, however, that subgroup data should be interpreted with considerable caution. Specifically, no conclusions can be made as to whether there is a difference between SES versus BMS in diabetics, in regards to reference vessel diameter, total stent length or SVG age. In addition, embolic protection was used infrequently in both groups (35% in SES vs. 25% in BMS; p = 0.04), whereas glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used more frequently in patients receiving BMS versus SES (83% vs. 52%; p < 0.0001).

In conclusion, while this study makes an important contribution and lends support to the strategy of SES use to reduce restenosis in diseased SVGs, concerns will persist regarding possible very late (> 1 year) adverse events and the actual magnitude of benefit. We encourage continued follow up of this study cohort for mortality and other adverse events. Ideally, a multicenter randomized trial with a large sample size powered for clinical outcomes over a long duration of follow up should be performed comparing DES versus BMS in treating SVG stenosis, but this is easier said than done. Of note, this study also confirms a rate of restenosis and TVR in the single-digit percent range for patients undergoing SES implantation in de novo SVG lesions. Until further data are available, it is reasonable to conclude that the question of “DES in SVG stenosis?” is not a simple one to answer. Sure, we all “want to do it, but we are not there yet” with the data! In the meantime, we recommend limiting the use of DES in de novo SVG PCI to those patients at highest risk for restenosis, possibly including patients with long lesions, small reference vessel diameter and diabetes mellitus, and importantly, in patients who are going to be compliant with long-term dual antiplatelet therapies.


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