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The Current Status of Stent Placement in Small Coronary Arteries
< 3.0 mm in Diameter

Kean-Wah Lau, MBBS, Jui-Sung Hung, MD, Ulrich Sigwart, MD
August 2004
Stent placement in coronary arteries >= 3.0 mm in diameter has been irrefutably proven to be superior to conventional balloon angioplasty (PTCA) in reducing the risk of restenosis and major adverse cardiac events.1–4 Subsequent improvements in stenting technique and antithrombotic regimen have dramatically reduced the incidence of stent thrombosis.5–9 These favorable outcomes in concert have resulted in an exponential rise in the volume of stent-related procedures and have extensively broadened the indications for stenting to encompass non-STRESS/BENESTENT lesions, including, among others, lesions in small coronary arteries (Early angiographic and clinical outcome after SVS. Stent thrombosis (ST) remains a dreaded complication of stenting, since its clinical consequences, including a risk of death in up to 25% and myocardial infarction in 60–70% of cases, are generally catastrophic.14–17 The risk of ST appears to be accentuated in the presence of certain potentially adverse clinical, anatomic, rheologic and stent-related factors.14–17 In particular, SVS has been previously cited as a risk factor for ST.14–21 In a study by Agrawal et al.,20 ST was documented to be significantly higher in patients who received Gianturco-Roubin stents = 3.0 mm in diameter (13% versus 2%; p = 0.0002); an even higher ST rate was observed after stenting with 2.0 mm Gianturco-Roubin stents.19 A similar finding was observed after SVS with the Palmaz-Schatz stent.21 Such a relationship no longer holds true; current strategies of optimal stent deployment and aggressive antiplatelet, warfarin-free antithrombotic regimens appear to have resolved this problem.5–9 SVS is now associated with the same risk of ST as larger vessel stenting (about 1–2%).12,16,22 The Milan investigators5,6 clearly demonstrated that ST is closely linked with stent underexpansion and that this risk could be significantly decreased with optimal stent expansion. In a recent study by Cheneau et al.23 on a large group of patients, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-determined vessel size and reference segment disease were not important predictors of ST; only final lesion site parameters — dissection, thrombus, tissue prolapse and lumen dimensions — were critical contributors of ST. Advances in stent technology have also produced devices with lower profiles (Figure 1), greater flexibility and trackability, and thinner struts designed to achieve optimal radial force at a smaller diameter. These customized stents were recently used in several trials comparing SVS with PTCA.24–32 Procedural success rate was equivalent or better in the stent-treatment arm compared to the PTCA-treatment arm in these trials; a significant proportion of patients (14–37%) assigned to PTCA had to undergo stent placement for the treatment of suboptimal angiographic results or acute/threatened closures. The acute luminal gain was also significantly greater in the stent group compared to the PTCA group. Long-term angiographic and clinical outcomes after SVS. Previous data clearly showed an inverse relationship between vessel size and the risk of restenosis (and cardiac events) following intervention with non-stent devices.13,33–37 In the M-Heart study,33 restenosis rate after PTCA for vessels with reference diameter 2.9 mm (p = 0.036). In the STRESS I-II trial,35 restenosis rate following PTCA for vessels = 3.0 mm after directional coronary atherectomy.37 It was hoped that stent placement might circumvent the disadvantages that exist with non-stent devices by providing a more pristine immediate luminal outcome, more favorable rheology, the biggest luminal gain of all interventional devices and by virtually eliminating any recoil and vascular remodeling seen in non-stent devices. Unfortunately, these theoretical benefits of stents were not borne out by initial results.12,22,38–40 Elezi et al.38 showed a steady increase in binary restenosis rate (and major cardiac events) with decreasing vessel size. The restenosis rates were 38.6% for vessels 3.2 mm in diameter (p = 3.0 mm was 19.9%, compared to 32.6% for smaller vessels (p 2.6 mm (p = 0.018). This is not entirely surprising, considering that it takes a smaller volume of intimal hyperplasia to induce a diameter stenosis of greater than 50% in a smaller vessel than a larger one. There is also a tendency to apply higher balloon pressures and oversized stents in SVS, leading to more vessel stretch and more vessel injury, both of which have been shown to be associated with more intimal hyperplasia.41,42 Intimal hyperplasia is the mainstay mechanism of in-stent restenosis.43 Furthermore, there is evidence to indicate that pre- and post-interventional plaque burden are strong predictors of in-stent restenosis and plaque burden is greater in small vessels than larger vessels.44 These observational data created a clinical conundrum and cast doubt regarding the superiority of systematic stent placement over PTCA in small vessels. However, results of post hoc quantitative angiographic analysis of the STRESS I-II trial35 did not support this observation and were in favor of SVS; it showed that stent placement was associated with a 38% relative reduction in restenosis and a 33% reduction in clinical events compared with PTCA. This encouraging finding was questioned, since the trial and the stents used in the trial were primarily designed for large vessels. Several randomized trials were thus commenced to compare “customized” stents and PTCA in small coronary arteries (Figure 2).24–32 These stents were specifically made to fit vessels 2.8 mm in diameter in 651 patients. The Multi-Link stent (strut thickness, 0.05 mm) was associated with a 42% reduction in 6-month restenosis rate (15.0% versus 25.8%, respectively; p = 0.003) as a result of a lower late loss (0.94 mm versus 1.17 mm, respectively; p = 0.001) and a 38% reduction in 1-year target vessel revascularization rate (8.6% versus 13.8%, respectively; p = 0.03) compared with the thicker strut Duet stent (0.14 mm). In an observational study by Briguori et al.,47 stents with strut thickness = 0.1 mm in vessels Coated stents. Different surface properties may significantly influence the stent interaction with the arterial wall and circulating blood.45 Coating stents with other materials (metals, polymers, biological materials or drugs) has the potential to improve the functionality, biocompatibility and overall performance of the stent. In addition, coating stents with certain materials may improve the surface texture and smoothness, which may in turn influence the risk of thrombosis and the degree of intimal hyperplasia.49,50 Unfortunately, in practice, most stent coatings tested have failed to confer any advantage over uncoated stainless-steel stents. In several randomized trials,51–54 gold-coated stents were found to be inferior to uncoated stents; the former stent model was associated with an increased risk of stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis. Phosphorylcholine, a nonallergenic, naturally occurring substance with the potential to decrease platelet and thrombus formation and to elicit less adverse tissue response compared with synthetic polymers,45 has been investigated in 2 large-sized randomized trials.55,56 Its theoretical benefits were not evident in these trials; there was no difference in the restenosis rate between the phosphorylcholine-coated stent cohort and the bare metal stent (BMS) cohort, and a suggestion of an increased risk of stent thrombosis. Heparin coating of stents has also been studied in humans; again, there was no clear-cut evidence that it reduced stent thrombosis or restenosis.31,57 Stent coating is also an elegant method of performing site-specific local drug delivery to the target lesion to modify the vascular response following angioplasty injury and to reduce intimal hyperplasia. The application of drug-eluting stents is a novel approach of achieving this aim by synergistically combining the mechanical scaffolding action of metallic stents and the anti-thrombotic and antiproliferative effect of various drugs locally delivered at adequate concentrations without the danger of systemic toxicity. As alluded to earlier, in-stent restenosis continues to plague about 30% of stents placed in small vessels as a result of exuberant smooth muscle cell proliferation and accumulation of intercellular matrix. The strategy of coating stent surfaces with immunosuppressive agents to combat the adverse sequelae of angioplasty-related injury has been shown to be effective in animal studies.58–61 Of these drugs, sirolimus and paclitaxel appear most promising to date. Sirolimus, a lipophilic, macrolide antifungal agent, induces cell-cycle arrest, prevents cell replication without producing cell death, inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration, and has anti-inflammatory properties.62 These experimental benefits of sirolimus were recently clinically proven in the RAVEL trial,63 which randomized 238 patients with lesions in native coronary arteries between 2.5–3.5 mm in diameter to treatment with either sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) or BMS (Table 1). In this trial, sirolimus was able to virtually eliminate in-stent neointimal hyperplasia, thereby dramatically reducing the restenosis rate (0% versus 26.6% in the BMS cohort; p = 15 mm), the risk reduction for in-segment restenosis was 64.5%, compared to a risk reduction of 81.7% in non-diabetics with short lesions (= 3.0 mm). The most recently completed European66 and Canadian67 SIRIUS trials reaffirmed and extended the findings in the RAVEL and SIRIUS trials by clearly demonstrating the efficacy of this novel device in smaller vessels (Table 1) without an increased risk of stent thrombosis (about 1%). The E-SIRIUS trial66 is a multicenter European trial that randomly assigned 177 patients to receive the Bx Velocity stent (Cordis Corporation) and 175 patients to receive the sirolimus-coated Cypher stent (Cordis Corporation). The stents were implanted in native coronary arteries of reference diameter between 2.5 mm and 3.0 mm by visual estimate. The 8-month follow-up angiogram showed a 86% reduction in the in-segment restenosis rate with the use of SES (5.9% versus 42.3% in the BMS group; p Conclusion. A number of conclusions can be drawn from the data accrued to date with regard to SVS. First, stent placement (provisional stenting) is definitely safe and useful when used in the setting of suboptimal results after PTCA in small vessels; in fact, it may also be life-saving in the face of threatened or acute closure. ST can be largely avoided with the use of optimal stenting techniques and aggressive dual antiplatelet post-stent regimens. Second, systematic SVS with the use of BMS is at worst equivalent to PTCA, and at best, superior to PTCA in its mid-term angiographic and clinical outcomes. The potential for PTCA in small vessels appears to be exhausted; even with the most optimal luminal outcome, this treatment modality can only offer a mid-term outcome that is equivalent to stenting. Having said that, however, stent placement may be avoided in the presence of “stent-like” luminal results after PTCA. Third, stent structure and configuration appear to play a crucial role in determining its acute and long-term outcomes. Tubular or corrugated stainless-steel stents are better than coil or meshwire stent models. Stents with thinner struts and lower metal density yield a lower risk of restenosis than those with thicker struts and are preferred for SVS. The availability of newer, highly biocompatible and more radiovisible alloys with the same if not superior tensile strength compared to stainless-steel will enable the production of low metal density stents that may further improve on the anatomic and clinical outcomes of current stainless-steel stents. Fourth, gold-plated stents are best avoided because of their enhanced risk of restenosis. Coating stents with phosphorylcholine and heparin does not appear to confer any advantage over bare stents. In contradistinction, stents coated with highly efficacious antiproliferative agents (in particular, sirolimus and paclitaxel) hold considerable promise. As a whole, these DESs have yielded restenosis rates that are unrivaled by other stent models. However, several important questions regarding DES need to be addressed before prematurely “burying BMS alive.” Can the clinical benefits of DES fully justify its high cost, or should its use be restricted to only selected high-risk clinico-anatomic settings? Are they safe and are their early profound salutary effects durable over several years or are they simply delaying restenosis? The role of the basic design and structure of stents on which these drugs are coated and the comparative efficacy of various antirestenotic drugs used for stent coating also remain unclear at this stage. The ideal DES design may need to have a large surface area of contact with the vascular wall, minimal interfilament gaps, robust radial support and symmetrical expansion to ensure uniform drug elution. At the same time, it would need to be slim, flexible and conformable to maintain deliverability in complex lesions. For drugs with narrow toxic-therapeutic index, customized stent platform may be required. Hence, before we proceed to drastically and profoundly alter our interventional cardiology practice patterns, we should wait for answers to some of these questions about DES. Having said that, it is entirely foreseeable that most interventional procedures in the near future will involve DESs in one form or another, perhaps containing sirolimus, paclitaxel or an even more effective drug with both antimitotic and antithrombotic actions, impregnated onto a highly biocompatible carrier vehicle without adverse tissue effects, and mounted onto a stent design with uniform expansion and with programmable, controllable drug-eluting capability.
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