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Standardized, Angiographically-Guided<br />
“Over-Dilatation” of Stents Using High-Pressure Technique Optimizes Results Without Incre

Benny Johansson, MD, Mats Allared, MD, Bertil Borgencrantz, MD, Leif Brorson, MD, Håkan Geijer, MD, Thomas Kellerth, MD, Hans Olsson, MD, Asgrimur Ragnarsson, MD, Helge Skoglund, MD, Bertil Wennerblom, MD
May 2002
The introduction of stents in clinical practice resulted in a reduction of the restenosis rate from 30–40% to 16–27% and a target lesion revascularization (TLR) rate of 6–15% after 6 months, although angio-guided stent implantation often resulted in suboptimal stent expansion and significant residual in-stent stenosis.1–6 Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has shown that an intrastent minimal lumen area (MLA) of >= 90% of the reference segments, together with complete apposition and symmetric expansion of the stent, or a minimal in-stent area >= 9 mm2 (Table 1) are associated with a low restenosis rate (= 9 mm2 despite optimal angiographic result (= 50% in a native coronary artery. There were no limitations on lesion type, length or site except for bifurcation or thrombotic lesions. Angioplasty and IVUS procedure. The femoral approach was used for stent implantation. The target lesion was predilated using under-sized, conventional angioplasty balloons before stenting. NIR, AVE GFX, ACS GFX, Bard and Jomed stents were used. Stent size was selected to achieve a final stent to artery ratio of 1:1 using semi-compliant balloons with “high pressure”. Optimal stent implantation was defined as = 14 atm. IVUS imaging was then performed following administration of 0.1–0.2 mg of intracoronary nitroglycerin. We used an IVUS system (Cardiovascular Imaging System, Inc., Boston Scientific/Scimed, Inc.) with a 30 MHz transducer mounted on the end of a flexible shaft that rotated at 1,800 rpm (2.9 Fr or 3.2 Fr imaging sheath). Imaging was performed using a motorized transducer pullback device (0.5 mm/s). The IVUS catheter was advanced > 10 mm distal to the lesion and the imaging was performed uninterrupted to the aorto-ostial junction. During the procedure, the patients received bolus doses of heparin to maintain the activated clotting time > 300 seconds. In the control group, IVUS was performed after optimal results were achieved according to angiography (= 9.0 mm2. All stents had good apposition and fulfilled symmetric stent expansion according to MUSIC criteria (symmetry index >= 0.7 in MLA). A minimal in-stent stenosis according to the AVID criteria (MLA >= 90% of the distal reference segment) and MUSIC criteria (MLA >= 100% or >= 90% of the smallest/average of the reference segments) was found in 67% and 57%, respectively (Table 4). In addition, IVUS demonstrated a considerable degree of residual stenosis, in particular at the mid-section of the stent (Table 5). Serious complications unrelated to post-dilatation occurred in 6 patients. Four of these were dissections that were covered by another stent. One patient had a transient “no flow” phenomenon successfully treated with intracoronary nitroglycerin, and a balloon rupture occurred in another patient, causing a small myocardial infarction. There were no deaths. During 1-year clinical follow-up, five patients (17%) had clinically significant re-angina demanding angiography, but only 1 patient (3.3%) had significant in-stent stenosis. The remaining 4 angina patients had neither significant in-stent stenosis nor new significant stenoses in non-stented coronary artery segments. Comparison with non-randomized controls in patients with single-vessel disease (Table 6) revealed no significant difference in baseline characteristics, location of the target lesion or stent type. Pre-intervention MLA as well as stenosis length and complexity were approximately the same in the 2 groups. Post-intervention, the group subjected to over-dilatation demonstrated significantly less angiographic residual stenosis, larger IVUS-derived MLD, more patients achieving MLA >= 90% of the distal reference segment and more patients reaching MLA >= 9.0 mm2. In addition, there were non-significant trends toward a smaller proportion of patients who developed re-angina and need for TVR in the over-dilatation group. DISCUSSION The present study suggests that moderate stent over-dilatation results in improved stent expansion and favorable clinical course without adding complications to routine stent deployment, and can be performed without IVUS guidance. The studies to obtain optimal stent expansion have mainly focussed on high-pressure deployment of the stent and there is still controversy as to whether high pressure or over-dilatation is the best strategy.9,10 A number of studies have shown that long-term outcome, as assessed by control coronary angiography or the need for TVR, is improved by stenting and by the achieved luminal area in the stent. Stent deployment has been shown to be very effective for acute occlusions19,20 and suboptimal PTCA results,21,22 and to reduce restenosis rates.2,5 The initial high incidence of acute/subacute stent thrombosis2,5,23 decreased to 1–2% using balloons equal in size to the target vessel and high pressure in combination with acetylsalicylic acid and/or ticlopidine. In most of the studies, the results were achieved using IVUS-guided stent deployment,13 but a small number of studies suggested that the same results could be achieved without IVUS.24,25 With this approach, the in-stent restenosis rate fell to 16–27% and TLR rate fell to 6–15%.1–6 The efforts to optimize stent deployment with IVUS have focused on different criteria for stent expansion in relation to the reference segments. In the MUSIC study,8 the restenosis rate at 6 months was 9.7% and TLR rate was 4.5% if certain “MUSIC criteria” were filled. The now completed randomized OPTICUS study will reveal whether these criteria are superior to angiographically-guided stent deployment. Preliminary results from another ongoing randomized study entitled AVID (which has different IVUS criteria) indicate that the target endpoint of MLA >= 90% of the distal reference segment was achieved in = 9 mm2 is associated with an in-stent restenosis rate of 3–8%, compared to 30–46% if MLA was = 9 mm2 and only 43% of the stents had a significant residual in-stent stenosis according to strict MUSIC criteria. The AVID criteria for optimal IVUS-guided stent implantation were fulfilled in 67% of the stent deployments, which is an improvement compared to preliminary data from the AVID study. Comparisons with control patients from a study at our hospital in a similar PTCA population who had not undergone post-dilatation demonstrated that in spite of a tendency to tighter stenoses and more occlusions in the present group, over-dilatation seemed to produce better stent expansion. Six patients (20%) developed complications, mainly dissections, which were easily managed with stents. All complications occurred during routine deployment of a stent and the over-dilatation did not add further complications to the procedure. The incidence of complications is not surprisingly high. The incidence of dissections among more than 30,000 patients in the Swedish PTCA register was more than 30%, and 20% had to be stented.17 Interestingly, in the present study, the balloon used for post-dilatation was shorter than the stent, leading to a better and more symmetric stent expansion, although additional damage in the stent margins and the reference segments was minimized. None of the complications, mainly dissections, occurred during the post-dilatation, so it seems feasible to use a balloon size 0.25 mm bigger than the reference diameter obtained by angiogram as long as further dilatations are performed within the stent edges. Study limitations. Most IVUS studies use detailed patient selection criteria, which tends to restrict extrapolation of the results to clinical practice. In the present study and in the control cases, there was a wide spectrum of lesion type and stent type that was representative of most Swedish PTCA centers.17 We did not use strictly defined selection criteria; nevertheless, 40% of the patients were unstable, 44% of the lesions were complex type and 29% of the patients had an occluded artery. It would, however, have been advantageous if strict consecutive inclusions had been applied. The stop-criterion for the angiography-guided PTCA in the present study, i.e.,
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