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Original Contribution

Vasomotor Response to Different Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilators in an Animal Model

Armando Pérez de Prado, MD, Carlos Cuellas, MD, Alejandro Diego, MD, Jose M. Gonzalo-Orden, DVM, PhD, Claudia Pérez-Martínez, DVM, PhD, Marta Regueiro, DVM, PhD, Antonio de Miguel, MD, Jose M. Ajenjo, DVM, Beatriz Martínez-Fernández, DVM, Jose R. Altonaga, DVM, PhD, Felipe Fernández-Vázquez, MD, PhD

July 2012

Abstract: Background and Objectives. Incomplete re-endothelialization of stents can be revealed as paradoxical vasoconstriction with endothelium-dependent vasodilators. As no consensus exists about the best method or agent, our objective is to analyze the response to different drugs in a coronary swine model. Methods. Twenty-seven stents were implanted in 9 domestic swine. The vessel diameter of proximal and distal segments (≥5 mm) was assessed immediately post implantation. Different endothelium-dependent vasodilators were used: intracoronary (IC) acetylcholine, 20 μg (A2) and 40 μg (A4), IC serotonin (S), 100 μg, and isoproterenol (I), intravenous infusion. The results are presented as constriction (%) compared with maximal vasodilation with IC nitroglycerin (N, 200 μg). Results. In 10 vessels (37%), A4 provoked an occlusive spasm. Acetylcholine induced a higher degree of vasoconstriction (A4, 42 ± 39%; A2, 16 ± 14%) than the rest of the agonists (S, 6 ± 12%; I, 6 ± 11%; P<.01). The constriction rate was not related to the induced hemodynamic changes. Conclusions. After focal endothelial denudation in a coronary swine model, the constriction rate induced by different endothelium-dependent vasodilators is highly variable. The highest value is observed after IC acetylcholine bolus. The constriction rate does not correlate with the observed hemodynamic changes.

J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2012;24(7):320-323

Key words: stent endothelialization, vasomotor response, animal model


Delayed healing and impaired re-endothelialization are distinctive findings of the vascular response to the implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES), both in animal models1-7 and in the clinical field.8-10 Nevertheless, an acceptable endothelialization rate for DESs has been reported in the swine model at 28 days.2,7,11-16 A common feature in many of these studies is the immaturity of the observed endothelial cells. The main in vivo hallmark of dysfunctional endothelium is abnormal vasomotor function,13,17-22 showing paradoxical vessel vasoconstriction in response to endothelium-dependent vasodilators. This discriminant behavior could be used in preclinical research to look for DESs with better vascular healing profiles, but also in the clinical scenario to help assess the endothelialization of implanted DESs.19,20

Togni et al first reported in humans that exercise, a physiological endothelium-dependent vasodilator, induced paradoxical vessel vasoconstriction 6 months after DES implantation.23 Subsequently, preclinical studies with different DES have replicated this response.13,18,21,24-26 Different endothelium-dependent vasodilators have been used in preclinical research to evaluate vasomotor response: acetylcholine (ACh),26,27 substance P,25,28 bradykinin,21,29-31 and serotonin.29-33 Exercise and rapid atrial pacing were also used in human studies.23,34-36 The wide variability in the methodology prompted us to compare the vasomotor responses of vessels with denuded endothelium after stent implantation to different endothelium-dependent vasodilators.


Animal model and procedures. Nine animals (domestic pigs, Large White race) were selected from the experimental farm of our university. They were 2 months old with a mean weight of 25 ± 3 kg. All experimental procedures and animal handling were conducted according to the European and local general directives for the protection of experimental animals (Directive 86/609/CE, R.D. 223/1988) and under the supervision of the bioethics committee of our university. The animals were pretreated with oral clopidogrel (300 mg) and aspirin (325 mg) mixed with food 1 day before the procedure. Anesthesia and surgical procedures were performed as described previously.12,14,37 A 7 Fr introducer sheath was inserted into a carotid artery by surgical cut-down. Heparin (200 IU/kg) was administered intravenously. A 6 Fr, 40-cm long, modified AL1 guiding catheter (Iberhospitex S.A.) allowed the selective catheterization of both coronary ostia. Heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram (ECG) were monitored throughout the procedure.

Twenty-seven stents (3.5 mm diameter, 18 mm length) were implanted according to a predetermined scheme in each coronary artery. Every animal received 1 bare-metal stent (Apolo; Iberhospitex S.A.), 1 paclitaxel-eluting stent (Active; Iberhospitex S.A.), and 1 dual-drug eluting stent (simvastatin + paclitaxel, Irist-Duo; Iberhospitex S.A.) in the proximal segment of each coronary artery. All stents were deployed at nominal pressure (9 atm), allowing higher pressure in a second inflation if the relation to the vessel was less than 1.1 to obtain light-to-moderate overstretch (10%-20%). We have previously assessed that direct stent implantation in native swine coronary arteries only causes focal, partial endothelial denudation (Figure 1).

Assessment of vasomotor response. Angiographic images were obtained with a digital x-ray system (GE OEC 9900 Elite, GE Healthcare) and recorded as non-compressed DICOM films. The best angiographic view to avoid any overlapping of the stented segment, proximal, and distal reference segments (≥10 mm) was selected for each coronary artery. The stent-to-artery ratio was analyzed in these postimplantation angiographic images. The vasomotor tests were performed immediately after stent implantation in the right coronary artery and after implantation of both stents (left anterior descending and left circumflex) in the left coronary artery.

The endothelium-dependent vasodilators were: (1) A2 = intracoronary ACh, 20 µg infused during 2 minutes; (2) A4 = intracoronary ACh, 40 µg infused during 2 minutes; (3) S = intracoronary serotonin, 100 µg bolus; and (4) I = intravenous isoproterenol, incremental infusion rate until maximal heart rate is achieved without drop in mean blood pressure. Finally, maximal endothelium-independent vasodilation was induced with intracoronary nitroglycerin (N), 200 µg bolus. A washout period of ≥2 minutes (or until heart rate returns to basal values) was allowed between every drug phase. Angiographic series were recorded at the end of the infusion in the A2 and A4 tests, at the point of maximal heart rate change in the S and I tests, and 1 minute after the nitroglycerin bolus. The vessel diameter was measured both proximal and distal to the stent at the same point (separated at least 5 mm from the stent edges) in each angiographic run. Off-line quantitative coronary analysis was performed using validated software (Medis QCA-CMS 6.0). As baseline vasoreactivity status may vary between animals, we decided to use the maximal, endothelium-independent, vasodilation as the reference diameter to establish the comparisons. Changes in vessel diameter are presented, thus, as percent reduction as compared with the post-nitroglycerin vessel diameter.

Statistical methods. Continuous variables are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Vessel diameter values and percentage changes are compared with paired t-test and correlation r coefficient. The potential influence of other co-variables in these parameters is assessed with the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Probability values of P<.05 are considered significant.


All stents were implanted as defined per protocol. The mean stent-to-artery ratio was 1.06 ± 0.23, without significant differences between stent types or coronary arteries. The vasomotor tests were performed as planned without complications. Of note, occlusive vessel spasm was induced in 10 vessels (37%) after the infusion of ACh 40 µg (A4). All these cases showed spontaneous flow recovery in the first minute after infusion, without further hemodynamic or arrhythmic consequences. In these cases, the washout phase was prolonged up to 5 minutes.

The animals showed the predicted hemodynamic changes after the vasodilators administration. ACh did not induce significant changes in heart rate and only a modest drop in mean blood pressure (16 ± 14 mm Hg with A4 dose; P<.05). Conversely, serotonin was associated with a significant increase both in heart rate (54 ± 42 bpm; P<.01) and mean blood pressure (36 ± 23 mm Hg; P<.01). Isoproterenol was also associated with a significant increase in heart rate (82 ± 33 bpm; P<.001) without significant change in blood pressure. Figure 2 illustrates these changes.

The observed diameters after each drug test are shown in Figure 3; all the measurements are separated by segment location (proximal and distal). Both ACh doses induced significant vasoconstriction: A2 induced 16 ± 14% constriction (vs post-N diameter; P<.01) and A4 induced 42 ± 39% constriction (P<.001). Serotonin and isoproterenol were also associated with diameter values slightly, but significantly, smaller than those observed after maximal vasodilation: S, 6 ± 12% (P<.05) and I, 6 ± 11% (P<.05). Correlations between maximal vasodilation values and the diameters measured after every endothelium-dependent agonist reveal similar findings: A2-N, r = 0.68; A4-N, r = 0.64; S-N, r = 0.82; I-N, r = 0.81. As expected, distal diameters are significantly smaller than the proximal values. However, the changes observed after the administration of the different drugs were alike. No relationships were observed between the constriction rate and type of stent, artery, or segment location.


The main findings of this analysis are: (1) different endothelium-dependent vasodilators induce widely variable grades of paradoxical vasoconstriction in stented segments with denuded endothelium; (2) high doses of Ach frequently induce severe vasospasm; and (3) hemodynamic changes are not related with vessel diameter changes.

Vasomotor dysfunction and DESs. The abnormal vasomotor response to different endothelium-dependent vasodilators in animal models has been confirmed after sirolimus-13,21,24 and paclitaxel-eluting stents.13,18,21,25,26 Zotarolimus-35,38 and biolimus-eluting stents35,36 might show better results in terms of endothelial-dependent vasomotor function than first-generation DESs. Coronary arteries previously treated with DES show both abnormal vasomotor responses and morphological features of endothelial dysfunction, as reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression13 and markers of oxidative stress.25 However, the link between morphological markers of mature endothelium, as eNOS expression, and functional assessment of vasomotor response to ACh is controversial.39

Endothelium-dependent vasodilators. Different methods have been used to provoke this paradoxical vasoconstriction. ACh is one of the most used agonists in human research.40-43 Some debate exists over the adequacy of using this drug in the swine model as porcine arteries seem to have limited presence of muscarinic receptors and ACh therefore would not induce sufficient vasodilation.13,44,45 Conversely, other authors have demonstrated significant differences in vasomotor response between different DESs using ACh.26,27 Our present results and previous data39 support the value of ACh as a trigger for the paradoxical vasoconstriction related to endothelial disfunction. Altough the higher ACh dose (40 µg) is lower than that used in human protocols,41,43 it was related to a significant incidence of occlusive vasospasm (37%), suggesting a potential overdosing in this animal model. A potential non-specific spastic response of ACh could also be interpreted from these data, at least in the normal coronary swine model. Extrapolation to the clinical human scenario should be done with caution, as some authors have used ACh to induce coronary spasm in coronary arteries “without significant lesions.”46,47

Serotonin has also been used as endothelium-dependent vasodilator29,31 or in vasospasm models.32,33,47,48 However, some conflicting results remark the preferential action of serotonin causing smooth muscle cell hypercontraction over the endothelium-mediated vasodilation.30 Our data show inconclusive results, with vessel diameters not significantly different from basal values and slightly lower than those observed after maximal vasodilation. In this case, a suboptimal dose may explain these findings.

Exercise is a physiologic endothelium-dependent vasodilator and, therefore, it was used in some clinical studies.23,34 Rapid atrial pacing has been used by other authors to reproduce (some of) the exercise-induced hemodynamic changes.35,36 Isoproterenol, a ß-mimetic agent, induces heart rate acceleration and endothelium-dependent vasodilation.49,50 The observed results in our series are quite similar to those obtained after serotonin administration.

Study limitations. Although we have used validated methods, the drugs and doses used in this experiment do not cover the whole spectrum of possibilities that appear in the literature. We cannot rule out over- or under-dosing or missing the best drug. Direct stent implantation in normal swine coronary arteries is one of the most used animal models to test vasomotor responses to DESs. As described in our methodology, we have observed that only focal, partial endothelial denudation is caused. While it could be perceived as a limitation, this situation may also mimic the long-term status of vascular healing after DES implantation with incomplete re-endothelialization.


After focal endothelial denudation with direct stent implantation in a coronary swine model, the constriction rates induced by different endothelium-dependent vasodilators are highly variable. The highest vasoconstriction is obtained with IC ACh, especially with a 40 μg dose. The hemodynamic changes do not correlate with the constriction rate.


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From the Fundación Investigacion Sanitaria en León – HemoLeon and Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED), León, Spain.
Funding: This study was supported by a Research grant (GRS 403/A/09) from Consejeria de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain.
Disclosure: The authors have completed and returned the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. The authors report no conflicts of interest regarding the content herein.
Manuscript submitted January 16, 2012, provisional acceptance given February 14, 2012, final version accepted February 27, 2012.
Address for correspondence: Armando Pérez de Prado, MD, S. Cardiología Intervencionista – Hospital de León, Altos de Nava SN – 24008 León, Spain. Email:


