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International Andreas Gruentzig Society

Directory of IAGS Meeting Proceedings Published in The Journal of Invasive Cardiology

30th Anniversary of Angioplasty Meeting, Zurich, 2007

In JIC April 2008:

Frugal Coronary Angioplasty, Still an Option after 30 Years
Bernhard Meier, MD

My History of Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting
Jacques Théron, MD

Percutaneous Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion in Atrial Fibrillation
Paul T.L. Chiam, MBBS, MRCP and Carlos E. Ruiz, MD, PhD

State-of-the-Art Nonvascular Interventions: Mitral Valvuloplasty
Dominique Himbert, MD, Eric Brochet, MD, Bernard Iung, MD, Alec Vahanian, MD

In JIC March 2008:

Atrial and Ventricular Shunt Closure
*Nicolas Majunke and *,§Horst Sievert, MD

The Beginning of Balloon Conception and Application in Peripheral Arterial Disease
Alfred Bollinger, MD and Maria Schlumpf, PA

Diagnostic Instruments for PCI
Larry S. Dean, MD

Renal Arteries
Richard R. Heuser, MD, FACC, FACP, FESC

January 29 - February 2, 2006: Canouan, 9th Biennial Meeting

Contemporary Prevention, Management and Treatment of Stroke — Who Will Treat Acute Stroke in 2010 and How Will It Be Treated? Setting the Stage
David Holmes, MD, Moderator

Bridging the Gaps Surrounding Coronary Artery Stenting: The Current State of Carotid Stenting
Frank Criado, MD

Industry Update: Acute Ischemic Stroke
Renato DeRita, MS

Working Together in the Treatment of Carotid Artery Disease
L. Nelson Hopkins, MD

The Current State of Stroke and Stroke Treatment
L. Nelson (Nick) Hopkins, MD

From Gene Transfer to Cell Therapy
Robert Simari, MD

New Developments in Gene Therapy and Stem Cells for Angiogenesis in the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction
- Sigrid Nikol, MD

January 24-28, 2004: Lanai - 8th Biennial Meeting

April 2005: 20 Years of Progress on Cardiac and Vascular Intervention — A Legacy to Andreas (PDF Only)
Gary S. Roubin, MD, PhD

April 2005: The Biology of Plaque and Patient Vulnerability (PDF Only)
Speaker: Amir Lerman, MD
Moderator: Kirk Garratt, MD
Panelists: Jack Vogel, MD, Tim Fischell, MD, Pierre Leimgruber, MD, Brian Firth, MD

May 2005: Acute Myocardial Infarction: Early Strategies to Optimize Results (PDF Only)
Speakers: William O’Neill, MD and Raoul Bonan, MD
Moderator: Patrick Whitlow, MD
Panelists: Paul Overlie, MD, Roxana Mehran, MD, Ted Bass, MD, Fayaz Shawl, MD, Norberto Schechtmann, MD, Greg Braden, MD

June 2005: Microvascular Disease and Injury: Prevention and Therapies
Speakers: Howard Cohen, MD Moderator: Kenneth Kent, MD
Panelists: Pierre Leimgruber, MD, Richard Heuser, MD, Jeffrey Werner, MD, Jorge Belardi, MD, Philip Reid (Lilly)

June 2005: Drug-Eluting Stents: Current Limitations
Speaker: Jorge Belardi, MD Moderator: Mike Cowley, MD
Panelists: Tim Fischell, MD, Christopher Cates, MD, Alfredo Rodriguez, MD, David Sperling, MD, Robert Fischell, MD, Greg Braden, MD, Jamey Jacobs (Guidant Corporation)

July 2005: Tissue Engineering and Interventional Cardiology
Speaker: David Holmes, MD Moderator: Reginald Low, MD
Panelists: George Dangas, MD, Wolfgang Ritter, MD, Peter Gonschior, MD, Brian Firth (Cordis Corporation)

July 2005: Progenitor Cell Transplantation and Function following Myocardial Infarction

August 2005: Stroke Prevention and Therapies
Speaker: Fayaz Shawl, MD Moderator: Barry George, MD
Panelists: Jiri Vitek, MD, Michael Mooney, MD, Christopher Cates, MD, Norberto Schechtmann, MD, Renato DeRita (Centocor)

January 2006: Percutaneous Abdominal Aortic Disease Management: Long-Term Results
Speaker: Douglas Cavaye, MD and Michael Marin, MD
Moderators: Eberhard Zeitler, MD and Klemens Barth, MD
Panelists: Michael Lawrence-Brown, MD, Ernst Schneider, MD, Wolfgang Ritter, MD, Andrew Cragg, MD

January 2006: Industry Round Table: Where Are the New Drugs?
Moderator: Mike Cowley
Panelists: Scott Byrd and Philip Reid (Eli Lilly and Company); Renato DeRita (Centocor); John Spencer (Genentech)

Feb 17-21, 2002: St. Lucia - 7th Biennial Meeting

July 2002: Preserving Myocardium during Acute Myocardial Infarction (PDF Only)
Moderator: Howard Cohen, MD
Panel Members: Tom J. Linnemeier, MD , Paul A. Overlie, MD, Brian O’Murchu, MD

August 2002: Supporting Patients in Shock (PDF Only)
Moderator: James P. Zidar
Panel Members: Luis de la Fuente; Gian Feltrin; Alfredo Rodriguez; and Fayaz Shawl

September 2002: Preventing Restenosis with Stent Drug Coatings (PDF Only)
Moderator: Kirk Garratt
Panel Members: Tim Fischell; Chris Cates; PhilipWalker; Roberto Falotico

November 2002: Resolving Existing Restenosis (PDF Only)
Moderator: James P. Zidar
Panel Members: Hall Whitworth; Peter Gonschior; Stefan Beyer-Enke; Luis de la Fuente

December 2002: Troubling Lesion Subsets: Bifurcation Disease (PDF Only)
Moderator: Kirk Garratt
Panel Members: Tom Linnemeier, Brian O'Murchu, Jeffrey Werner

January 2003: Intracranial Interventions (PDF Only)
Moderator: Jim Zidar
Panel Members: Max Amor, John Anderson, Doug Cavaye, Michael Lawrence-Brown

March 2003: The Intractable Angina Patient (PDF Only)
Panel Members: Howard Cohen, Philip Walker, Gary Roubin

May 2003: Identifying the Vulnerable Plaque (PDF Only)
Modertor: Jim Zidar
Panel Members: Klemens Barth, Mike Cowley, Jim Zidar

August 2003: Medical – Industry Relations (PDF Only)

May 28-June 1, 2000: Crete - 6th Biennial Meeting

February 2001: Intravascular Flow Prior To and Following Angioplasty in Peripheral Vessels (Arteries) (PDF Only)
Stefan A. Beyer-Enke, MD and Eberhard Zeitler, MD

February 2001: Carotid Angioplasty with Stenting in Post-Carotid Endarterectomy Restenosis (PDF Only)
Jiri J. Vitek, MD, PhD, Gary S. Roubin, MD, PhD, Gishel New, MBBS, PhD, Nadim Al-Mubarek, MD, Sriram S. Iyer, MD

February 2001: Transcatheter Therapy of Intravisceral Bleeding (PDF Only)
Ashok Dhar, MD, PhD, FESC, A. Konar, MD, FRCP, D. Sengupta, MS, FRCS

February 2001: Current Use of Endovascular Grafts for the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (PDF Only)
Peter L. Faries, MD, James Burks, MD, Nicholas Morrissey, MD, Larry H. Hollier, MD, Michael L. Marin, MD

February 2001: The Disconnect Between the HCFA and the FDA (PDF Only)
Brian G. Firth, MD, PhD, FACC

February 2001: Regulatory Affairs as they Affect Invasive Cardiology (PDF Only)
Robert E. Fischell, ScD

February 2001: Stent Coatings (PDF Only)
Ulrich Sigwart, MD, S. Prasad, MD, P. Radke, MD, I. Nadra, MD

February 2001: Covered Stents byAutologous Vascular Grafts: Effect of Radiation and External Heating of Stents (PDF Only)
Christodoulos Stefanadis, MD, Konstantinos Toutouzas , MD, Eleftherios Tsiamis, MD, Pavlos Toutouzas, MD

February 2001: Zero Vascular Complications: Athero-Embolism in Cardiovascular Disease (PDF Only)
John L. Anderson, FACS, FRACS

February 2001: High-Resolution MR Angiography: Results in Diseased Arteries (PDF Only)
Peter Gonschior, MD, Ingo Pragst, MD, Gregor Valassis, MD, Claudia Vogel- Wiens, MD, Armin Huber, MD

February 2001: Panel Discussions (PDF Only)

March 2001: Chronic Total Occlusion: How Do We Get There From Here? (PDF Only)
Bernhard Meier, MD

March 2001: Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Chronic Total Occlusions (PDF Only)
Jorge A. Belardi, MD

March 2001: Brachytherapy Introduction (PDF Only)
Carlos A.M. Gottschall, MD, PhD

March 2001: Red-Hot Intravascular Brachytherapy: Is it Safe for Routine Use? (PDF Only)
Brian G. Firth, MD, PhD

March 2001: Toward Establishing a Lesion Classification: An Overview (PDF Only)
J.J. Adolfo Cosentino, MD and Ronald J. Krone, MD

March 2001: Prognostic Importance of Myonecrosis after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PDF Only)
George Dangas, MD, PhD

March 2001: Clinical Interventional Approaches to Patients with Diffuse Coronary Artery Disease (PDF Only)
Fayaz Shawl, MD

March 2001: Takayasu’s Arteritis (PDF Only)
Phillip J. Harris, MBBS and Louis Bernstein, MBBS

March 2001: “Hybrid” Revascularization: Video- Thoracoscopy Assisted MIDCAB Combined with Angioplasty (PDF Only)
Runlin Gao, MD, Shengshou Hu, MD, Zhe Zheng, MD, et al.

March 2001: Progress in the Management of Severe Diffuse Distal Coronary Artery Disease (PDF Only)
Hall B. Whitworth, Jr., MD

March 2001: Panel Discussions (PDF Only)

April 2001: Catheter-Based Therapeutic Angiogenesis: Fluoroscopic Versus Electromechanical Mapping and Guidance (PDF Only)
Timothy A. Sanborn, MD

April 2001: Lessons Learned from Human Gene Therapy in Patients with Chronic Critical Limb Ischemia (PDF Only)
Iris Baumgartner, MD

April 2001: Preclinical and Clinical Experience in Vascular Gene Therapy: Advantages Over Conservative/Standard Therapy (PDF Only)
Sigrid Nikol, MD and Tanya Y. Huehns, MD

April 2001: Perspectives on Selective Retroinfusion of Coronary Veins as an Alternative Approach for Myocardial Gene Transfer and Angiogenesis (PDF Only)
Peter Boekstegers, MD

April 2001: Panel Discussions (PDF Only)

May 2001: Coronary Surgery Via Left Mini-Thoracotomy (West Coast Technique) (PDF Only)
Alex Zapolanski, MD, Laurel Mengarelli, CRNFA, Richard Shaw, PhD, Tamar Zapolanski

May 2001: Is Cardiac Surgery Here to Stay in Coronary Artery Disease? (PDF Only)
Luis M. de la Fuente, MD, FACC, FSCAI

May 2001: Digital Imaging and Archiving in a Radiological Department: The 2nd Radiology Department’s Experience at the University of Athens (PDF Only)
DimitriosA. Kelekis, MD, E.P. Efstathopoulos, MD, E. Brountzos, MD, A.D.Kelekis, MD

May 2001: The Power of Modern Computing and the Internet in the Delivery and Evaluation of Cardiac Care (PDF Only)
Richard E. Shaw, MA, PhD

May 2001: Panel Discussions (PDF Only)

June 2001: Stent Implantation in Small Coronary Vessels (PDF Only)
Antonio Colombo, MD, Goran Stankovic, MD, Leo Finci, MD

June 2001: Panel Discussions (PDF Only)

June 2001: SealingVersus Suturing Devices (PDF Only)
Timothy A. Sanborn, MD

January 18-22, 1998: Punte del Este - 5th Biennial Meeting

June 1998: Carotid Intervention: A Neurosurgeon’s Perspective (PDF Only)
L. Nelson Hopkins, MD, Giuseppe Lanzino, MD, Robert A. Mericle, MD Lee R. Guterman, PhD, MD

June 1998: Is the Direct CervicalApproach a Reasonable Option for Endovascular Intervention in the Carotid Artery? (PDF Only)
Frank J. Criado, MD, Eric Wellons, MD, Nancy S. Clark, MD

June 1998: Intracranial Angioplasty (PDF Only)
J.J. Connors III, MD and Joan C. Wojak, MD

June 1998: Carotid Interventions in Argentina — Our Results and Perspectives (PDF Only)
Hugo F. Londero, MD, FSCAI, Carlos Vozzi, MD, Carlos Gadda, MD, Oscar Mendiz,MD

June 1998: Carotid Stenting in 350 Vessels: Problems Faced and Solve (PDF Only)
Jiri Vitek, MD, PhD, Sriram Iyer, MD, Gary Roubin, MD, PhD

July 1998: Intravascular Sonography of Vessels and the Aorta: When Its Usefulness Can Be Achieved (PDF Only)
Gian P. Feltrin, MD, V. Iurilli, MD, C. Fittá, MD, D. Miotto, MD, M. Chiesura-Corona, MD, S. Savastano, MD

July 1998: The Relationship of U.S. Healthcare Policy to Decision Making in Vascular Intervention: Do 960 Patients really Have to Die? (PDF Only)
Jeffrey A.Werner, MD, Rhonda Staton, RN, Larry Leopold

July 1998: Cost-Effectiveness Studies in Interventional Cardiology (PDF Only)
Marvin L. Woodall

September 1998: PTA is an Outpatient Procedure (PDF Only)
Eberhard Zeitler, MD

September 1998: Below-Knee Angioplasty: Misguided Aggressiveness or Reasonable Opportunity? (PDF Only)
Frank J. Criado, MD, FACS, Mordechai Twena, MD, Omran Abdul-Khoudoud, MD Bahaaldin Al-Soufi, MD

September 1998: When to Stop Angioplasty in Peripheral Vessels (Arteries) (PDF Only)
Stefan A. Beyer-Enke, MD and Eberhard Zeitler, MD

September 1998: Carotid Stenting in Patients with Symptomatic Coronary Artery Disease: A Preferred Approach (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD

September 1998: Novel Endovascular Suture Techniques for Aortic and Femoral Branch Arteries (PDF Only)
Constantin Cope, MD

October 1998: Gene Therapy for Restenosis: Progress or Frustration? (PDF Only)
Sigrid Nikol, MD, and Berthold Höfling, MD

October 1998: Insights into Coronary Restenosis: Lessons for Peripheral Vessels? (PDF Only)
Carlos Antonio M. Gottschall, MD, PhD

October 1998: Is Bigger Always Better in Arterial Intervention? (PDF Only)
Ted Feldman, MD

October 1998: Local Drug Delivery for Restenosis and Thrombosis — Progress? (PDF Only)
Peter Gonschior, MD

November 1998: Endovascular Therapy: The Mother of All Turf Wars (PDF Only)
John E. Abele

November 1998: Interventional MRI: TheWay to the Future (PDF Only)
Gustav K. von Schulthess, MD, PhD and Paul Hilfiker, MD

November 1998: A New Approach to Plaque Removal: The
Redha-Cut Device
(PDF Only)

Dai-Do Do, MD, Jürgen Triller, MD, Iris Baumgartner, MD, Andreas U. Freiburghaus, MD, Felix Mahler, MD

November 1998: Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair — Five Years Down the Road: Where to Now? (PDF Only)
James May, MS, FRACS, FACS, Geoffrey H. White, MS, FRACS, RichardWaugh, FRACR, et al.

January 1999: Plaque Removal Prior to Stent Implantation in Native Coronary Arteries: Why? When? and How? (PDF Only)
Issam Moussa, MD, Carlo Di Mario, PhD, MD, Antonio Colombo, MD

January 1999: Coronary Stenting Challenges: Technique, Design and Pharmacology (PDF Only)
Thomas J. Linnemeier, MD

January 1999: The Use of Intravascular Ultrasound and Spot Stenting for the Treatment of Long Lesions and Small Vessels (PDF Only)
Issam Moussa, MD, Joseph De Gregorio, MD, Carlo Di Mario, PhD, MD, Antonio Colombo, MD

January 1999: Stent Trials in Acute Myocardial Infarction (PDF Only)

February 1999: Emergency Treatment of Ischemic Stroke (PDF Only)
J.J. Connors III, MD

February 1999: Renal Artery Intervention: Origins and New Technical Advances (PDF Only)
Felix Mahler, MD, Iris Baumgartner, MD, Dai-Do Do, MD, Jürgen Triller,

February 1999: Renal Artery Stenosis — Under-diagnosed and Under-treated in the Cardiac Patient? (PDF Only)
Richard Stack, MD

March 1999: Percutaneous Transluminal Myocardial Revascularization: An Emerging Te chnology (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD

March 1999: Less Invasive Heart Surgery (PDF Only)
Alex Zapolanski, MD, Michael B. Pliam, MD, PhD, Laurel Mengarelli, RN

March 1999: Integrated Coronary Revascularization (PDF Only)
Howard A. Cohen, MD and Marco Zenati, MD

March 1999: Transmyocardial Revascularization: An Industry Perspective (PDF Only)
John E. Ahern

Aruba - 4th Biennial Meeting

November 1996: A Beta–Particle Emitting Radioisotope Stent for the Prevention of Restenosis (PDF Only)
TimA. Fischell, MD

November 1996: Endovascular Irradiation in the Therapy of Intimal Hyperplasia (PDF Only)
Dieter Liermann, MD, Bernhard Schopohl, MD, Günther Herrmann, MD

November 1996: The Need for Standardization Testing for Safety and Efficacy of Permanent Implant Stents (PDF Only)
Marv Woodall

November 1996: Gene Therapy for Restenosis (PDF Only)
Robert D. Simari, MD

November 1996: Interventional Cardiology: How Will We Cope with the Next Century? (PDF Only)
John G. Schulte

November 1996: Panel Discussion: Restenosis and Local Treatment (Part 2) (PDF Only)

January 1997: Chronic Coronary Occlusion — Treatment Options and Results (PDF Only)
Bernhard Meier, MD

January 1997: Catheter–Based Therapy for Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft Disease (PDF Only)
Kirk N. Garratt, MD

January 1997: High–Risk Coronary Intervention in Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction (PDF Only)
Fayaz A. Shawl, MD, FACC

January 1997: Panel Discussion: Cardiovascular (Part I) (PDF Only)

March 1997: Changes in Left Ventricular Function After Coronary Recanalization by Perc utaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) (PDF Only)
Carlos Antonio M. Gottschall, MD, Ibsen Trindade, MD, Vasco Miler, MD

March 1997: New Horizons in InterVentional Cardiology (PDF Only)
Rob Michiels

March 1997: Flow Capacity, How Much is Enough, Do We Have it, Do We Need More? (PDF Only)
David Auth, PhD, PE

March 1997: Panel Discussion: Cardiovascular (Part II) (PDF Only)

April 1997: Endoluminal Stent Grafts: Overview (PDF Only)
Juan Carlos Parodi, MD

April 1997: Femoro-Popliteal Interventions: Immediate Results and Long-Term Follow Up (PDF Only)
Gordon K. McLean, MD

April 1997: The Active Guide Catheter: A Lost Art Form or Obsolete Technology? (PDF Only)
Thomas J. Linnemeier, MD

April 1997: Radiation Exposure of Patients Having PTCA — Causes/Consequences of the WHO Report (PDF Only)
Eberhard Zeitler, MD

April 1997: Panel Discussion: Peripheral and Other Topics (PDF Only)

May 1997: The Histopathology of Angiographic Chronic Total Coronary Artery Occlusions (PDF Only)
Sanjay Srivatsa, MBBChir, MRCP and David Holmes Jr, MD

May 1997: Intravascular Ultrasound Assessment of the Mechanisms and Predictors of Restenosis Following Coronary Angioplasty (PDF Only)
Gary S. Mintz, MD, Jeffrey J. Popma, MD, Augusto D. Pichard, MD, et al.

May 1997: Advances in Brachiocephalic Angioplasty (PDF Only)
Jiri J. Vitek, MD, Gary Roubin, MD, Jay Yadav, MD, Sriram Iyer, MD

May 1997: Panel Discussion: Cerebrovascular (Part I) (PDF Only)

June 1997: Newer Stents: Materials and Designs (PDF Only)
Rafael Beyar, MD, Ariel Roguin, MD

June 1997: Initial and Long-term Results of Treatment of Brachiocephalic Arterial Stenoses and Occlusions with Balloon Angioplasty, Thrombolysis, Stents (PDF Only)
Thomas O. McNamara, MD, Lloyd E. Greaser III, BS, John R. Fischer, MD, Y. Pierre Gobin, MD, Gary Duckwiler, MD

June 1997: Applied Cerebrovascular Anatomy/Pathology (PDF Only)
Mark Wholey, MD

June 1997: Panel Discussion: Cerebrovascular (Part II) (PDF Only)


