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Brentuximab Vedotin Plus AVD Promising in HIV-Associated Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma



Dr. EvensWe'll transition now to some ASH abstracts and keep it in newly diagnosed, and also really looking at an ECHELON backbone.

There was an oral presentation that was given 2 days ago on Saturday entitled, "Safety and Efficacy of Brentuximab Vedotin in Combination with AVD in STAGE II-IV HIV-Associated Classical Hodgkin lymphoma." This was a phase 2 study from the AIDS Malignancy Consortium.

Dr. Vose, any quick thoughts from this? Obviously, it was a phase 2 study. It wasn't randomized. Any quick thoughts about this data?

Dr. Vose:  I think the data was really exciting. That patient population sometimes, they're a little bit more difficult to treat. I thought that the combination actually looked very promising and very tolerable in that population. They did seem to have a little bit more neuropathy than the non-HIV patients.

There was a couple patients that had to be dropped out of study because there's some drug interactions or issues with the antiviral medications. You do have to be careful about that. I thought overall the abstract looked very promising and definitely something that you would want to use in your HIV-associated Hodgkin's patients, carefully, with those caveats.

Dr. Evens:  CYP3A4 inhibitors like ritonavir was actually an exclusion for the study. They had a few sneak in with some severe toxicities. It's definitely an issue. They had a provocative data that CD4 count went up. I don't know if you guys had seen that. Obviously, it's hard to draw a conclusion why would that go up.

Dr. Ansell, do you guys...HIV-related? Is this something you would think about in a careful fashion like Dr. Vose mentioned?

Dr. Ansell:  I do think that data was very promising. I think it was very encouraging to see, like we're seeing in large cell lymphoma and other diseases, that if patients are relatively well-controlled as it relates to their HIV, they can tolerate very similar therapies to other patients. I think that was good.

As Julie pointed out, there was a little bit more in the way of toxicity. I think again that's not entirely unexpected. To your point about the CD4 counts, I think CD4 is affected not only by the infection, but also by the disease.

I think when you keep the infection well-controlled and then the disease is well-controlled, you may well see the immune system just in general improving. I think that was reflected in that data.

Dr. Evens:  Great. More to come on that. Of course, careful, with any patient with a vinca drug to really actively ask them about neuropathy, sometimes patients don't want to volunteer that, and maybe those reductions are needed.


Watch part 3: Brentuximab Vedotin Plus Nivolumab Yields Encouraging Responses in Older Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma


In the second installment of this panel discussion series, Dr Evens, Dr Vose, Dr Friedberg, and Dr Ansell discuss safety and efficacy results from a phase 2 study looking at brentuximab vedotin in combination with AVD for patients with HIV-associated classical Hodgkin lymphoma.



