Modeling agency attempting to recruit girls from eating disorder facility
This morning I came across an article on Yahoo! titled "Scouts Search for Models at Eating Disorder Clinic, Claim Doctors." Yes, the title says it all. At the largest eating disorder clinic in Sweden, Stockholm Center for Eating Disorders, people from modeling agencies have stood outside waiting to talk to girls because of their body type.
Of course, the modeling agency is denying the harsh claims against them and justifying the situation by saying that they are only looking for girls that look "normal," "healthy," and "thin." Clearly, if these girls are in a treatment center, they're not "healthy."
While these individuals are in treatment trying to recover and learning to understand that the perception they have of their body is incorrect, people are telling them how great they look and offering them a modeling position.
Imagine this: Budweiser has a new beer they want to roll out, but before they do, they need a focus group to test the beer and give their opinions on the new product. The representative goes to an addiction treatment center and asks to have access to those at the facility that came in for alcohol-related reasons. Why would they do this? Because they know these individuals have plenty of experience with alcohol, and they want the "experts" to be the ones to try their new beer?
That sounds ridiculous, right? To me, that is exactly what those agents are doing in Sweden. It is sick, and it is not okay for an individual or an organization to try to benefit off of someone's illness. I hope the treatment center is working to ban the agents from their property and hopefully the modeling agency gets punished for this unacceptable behavior.
What do you think?