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The Occurrence of Cognitive Deficits Across Psychiatric Disorders

In this video, Bernhard T. Baune, PhD, MD, discusses the occurrence of cognitive deficits in patients with various psychiatric disorders

Dr. Baune, head of the Department of Mental Health at the University of Münster, Germany, presented "Advances in Understanding Neurobiological Underpinnings and Treatment Interfaces of Cognition in Depression" at the Psych Congress 2020 preconference on psychopharmacology.

Read the transcript:

So, cognitive deficits across various types of psychiatric disorders and even neuropsychiatric disorders is highly common. It has to do with the fact that most of the different disorders do affect thought function to varying degrees.

From a frequency point of view, we do see cognitive dysfunction nearly in all disorders. So starting from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, but also major depressive disorder, and going further into anxiety disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder, and so forth.

If you like, the quality of cognitive dysfunction is seen across these disorders and beyond. Thus, the strength of association, if you like, or the effect can vary in the disorders. Meta-analyses have shown that the strongest effect size has been shown in schizophrenia, followed by bipolar disorder, followed by MDD and others.

Effect size is a statistical measure of strength of association between the disorder and cognitive dysfunction. I think what is important to also look at is the impact it has on psychosocial function. That is great across these different disorders, so therefore the impact might be quite similar in these disorders.

More from Dr. Baune: The Prevalence of Cognitive Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder



