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Access to Behavioral Healthcare Services Needed in Times of Crisis, Says NJAMHAA

Behavioral healthcare services should be available to everyone, especially in times of crisis, to identify and address mental health impacts, says Debra L Wentz, PhD, President and CEO of the New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies (NJAMHAA), Inc, Mercerville.

NJAMHAA is a statewide trade association representing New Jersey organizations that serve New Jersey residents with mental illness and substance use disorders and their families.

Dr Wentz raises concerns amid the devastation in Haiti from an earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace that hit the nation Monday. Thousands have died or were injured, causing mental health trauma, and increasing the need for behavioral healthcare services, said Dr Wentz.

Beginning mental health treatment as early as possible amidst crisis, and in general, is imperative to reduce the risk of mental health disorders becoming severe and potentially leading to death by suicide or overdoses, Dr Wentz suggests. She cites mental health disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Pandemic-Related Stress Associated With PTSD Symptoms Months Later

“The shock of unpredictable disasters and their devastating consequences often lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and a lack of hope resulting from the loss of parents, other loved ones, homes, jobs and other aspects of stability that survivors had prior to these horrific events,” Dr. Wentz said.

“As we have seen with other natural crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as man-made disasters, such as 9/11, the full continuum of behavioral healthcare services must always be available for everyone. There are both immediate and lingering impacts on individuals’ mental health, which could include substance use, that need to be identified and addressed as soon as possible.”

—Meagan Thistle


Devastation from Haiti earthquake, torrential rain, and other tragedies raises concerns for citizens’ mental health. News release. New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies, Inc. August 18, 2021. Accessed August 18, 2021.


