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American Adults Prioritize Mental Health in 2022

Cristalia Turck

After years of seemingly continuous unprecedented times and illness, Americans are deciding to truly prioritize their mental health in the new year, suggests the findings of a recent American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll. According to the poll, 26% of adults say that “mental health is on their minds” for 2022, while 37% say that they have anxiety relating to their mental health.

“The new calendar year for many symbolizes a time for renewal, for trying new things, and, for some, new beginnings,” said APA President Vivian Pender, MD. “To see one in four Americans focusing on their mental health in this moment is important and encouraging. What is worrisome, although not unexpected, is the level of variation among demographic groups on their overall level of mental health, and we as psychiatrists need to understand those trends.”

A poll conducted by Morning Consult was sent out to a nationally representative sample of 2119 American adults by The APA’s Healthy Minds Monthly from December 6 to 8, 2021.

According to the findings, 26% of participants rated their current mental health as “excellent,” 42% rated theirs as “good,” 22% as “fair,” and 9% rated theirs as “poor.” Feelings about the current COVID-19 pandemic were also questioned in which 55% reported feeling “somewhat or very anxious” about it, while 58% feel “somewhat or very anxious” about the state of their personal finances. Furthermore, 54% are feeling the same anxiety regarding the uncertainty of what is to come in the new year.

Different demographic groups had different anxiety sources and resolution goals. Compared with men, women were found to be more anxious about personal finances and uncertainty of the future. Hispanics were found more likely to report feeling anxious across half of the 12-issue areas than that of White and Black adults—70% of which reported being anxious about personal finances.

Vaccinated adults reported feeling more anxious about the COVID-19 pandemic state compared to unvaccinated adults who have no plans of ever getting vaccinated (62% vs 28%). Both groups reported feeling similarly anxious about their mental state (35% and 37%).

One in 5 Americans claim to be more stressed at the start of this new year than last year, 44% feel the same stress, and 27% report feeling less stressed. These same Americans made resolutions regarding their mental health, including meditatation (57%), seeing a therapist (37%), taking a break from social media (35%), journaling (32%), using a mental health app (26%), and seeing a psychiatrist (20%). Other top resolution areas included focusing on physical fitness (42%), finances (36%), diet (27%), social/relationships (25%), and spirituality (20%).

“It can’t be said enough that there is no health without mental health, and it sounds like a lot of us will be starting the new year with that focus in mind,” said APA CEO and Medical Director Saul Levin, MD, MPA. “That said, 2022 will bring challenges and with the emergence of Omicron just beginning, people are already anxious, and it is important to take steps to manage mental health and cope with the uncertainty we face.”


APA healthy minds monthly poll: one in four Americans plans a mental health New Year’s resolution for 2022. News Release. American Psychiatric Association. December 20, 2021. Accessed January 11, 2022.



