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Survey: Affected Americans Open to Psychedelics to Treat Mental Health Conditions

Tom Valentino, Digital Managing Editor

Nearly two-thirds of Americans with treatment-resistant anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) believe psychedelic medicines should be made available to individuals with those conditions, according to a Harris Poll conducted on behalf of Delic Holdings Corp.

The survey was conducted December 6-8, 2021, and results were released this week. Among 2,037 adults ages 18 and over polled, 953 reported suffering from anxiety, depression or PTSD. Of those 953, two-thirds said they have used prescription medications to treat their conditions but still experience residual symptoms; 18% said their medication did not improve their condition or made it worse.

A majority of those with anxiety, depression, or PTSD surveyed said they would be open to using ketamine (66%), psilocybin (62%), or MDMA (56%) prescribed by a physician if proven more effective than prescription medication with fewer side effects.

“We are witnessing a silent crisis impacting people across the globe exacerbated by an ongoing pandemic, and the results of this survey should compel more medical professionals and lawmakers to support in-depth studies on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic medicine,” Matt Stang, co-founder and CEO of Delic, said in a news release announcing the findings.


Survey finds majority of affected Americans approve of psychedelics as an alternative treatment to address anxiety, depression and PTSD. News release. Delic Holdings Inc. January 18, 2022. Accessed January 19, 2022.



