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Clinical Solutions in Practice

Facilitating Healing In A Variety Of Lower Extremity Wounds

November 2007

Ocean Aid Spray, which recently garnered the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Approval, offers a wound care solution that combines an enzymatic debridement therapy with all-natural elements to help protect and nourish cells.

The spray uses a combination of reverse osmosis filtered water, coral reef salt and lysozyme to reduce wound healing time by almost 50 percent, according to Ocean Aid, the manufacturer of the product.

Ocean Aid cites the inclusion of lysozyme as essential to the product’s ability to facilitate wound healing. Lysozyme is a natural enzyme that breaks down over 650 bacteria, fungi and viruses, according to the company.

A Wound Healing Agent With Versatility
While Marc Brenner, DPM, says Ocean Aid Spray is not a magic bullet, he praises the versatility of the product.

“The spray works for any type of wound or break in the skin but works very well for venous stasis ulcers and any wound that is non-healing,” advises Dr. Brenner.

Ocean Aid says podiatrists can use Ocean Aid Spray for topical cleansing of burns, lacerations and abrasions. The spray is also indicated for debridement of postoperative wounds, stage I-IV pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers, according to the company.
Dr. Brenner, the Founder and President of the Institute of Diabetic Foot Research in Glendale, N.Y., says he has found the spray to be particularly beneficial after total nail avulsions.

In addition to lysozyme, Ocean Aid Spray also has the ingredient of coral reef salt. Not only does the coral reef sea salt help facilitate the maximum effectiveness of lysozyme, it also offers 82 trace elements and minerals that aid in the regeneration of cells, according to Ocean Aid. The manufacturer notes this aspect of the spray is vital for podiatrists treating diabetic infections and ulcerations.

Lauding The Spray’s Ease Of Use
Dr. Brenner has been using Ocean Aid Spray for over a year. For physicians, Dr. Brenner recommends using the spray in combination with standard debridement and offloading procedures, and systemic antibiosis. He cites the product’s ease of use as a key asset.

“Non-physicians and patient caregivers can also administer it,” adds Dr. Brenner, who is in private practice in Manhassett and Glendale, N.Y.

In order to maximize effectiveness, Dr. Brenner advises applying Ocean Aid Spray every four to five hours and following each application with Ocean Aid Skin Moisturizing Foam.

The manufacturer also notes the spray’s container provides a completely sterile delivery device that prevents bacteria or other airborne particles from contaminating the solution.

“The spray works effectively and inexpensively if one uses it regularly for post nail procedure dressings, venous stasis ulcerations or any traumatic wound on the foot,” says Dr. Brenner. “It is a nice little first aid kit in a spray.”

