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Clinical Solutions in Practice

Searching For An Alternative To NSAIDs

May 2008

Podiatrists looking for an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the treatment of a vast array of painful conditions may have a viable option in Traumeel (Heel Inc.). Available in injectables, tablets, ointment, gel and drops, Traumeel has been in use for over 60 years, according to Heel Inc. Physicians have used Traumeel to treat muscular pain, acute sprains of the ankle, tendonitis and postoperative pain, as well as a variety of other conditions ranging from dislocations and contusions to minor pain from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Considered a homotoxicological product, Traumeel is useful for patients who cannot tolerate the gastrointestinal side effects associated with conventional NSAIDs and for individuals on anticoagulant medication. Lisa Schoene, DPM, ATC, has used Traumeel cream, tablets and injectables for over 12 years, and cites positive results in her patients. “I have found it to be an excellent product for all of the conditions I treat,” notes Dr. Schoene, a sports medicine podiatrist with the Chicago area Gurnee Podiatry and Sports Medicine Associates. “I utilize the injections many times per day for all types of tendonitis, sprains, trigger point injections, plantar fasciitis and capsulitis of the metatarsal joints, to name a few.” Emphasizing The Product’s Strengths And Safety Profile Lester Klebe, DPM, has also experienced over a decade of success using Traumeel in his Phoenix practice. Dr. Klebe points to the product’s flexibility as one of its key strengths. He notes that unlike cortisone, Traumeel can be injected near tendon structures. Composed of natural plant and mineral ingredients, Traumeel is not associated with the adverse cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, hepatic or central nervous system reactions that physicians may often encounter with over-the-counter pain relievers, according to Heel, Inc.. Dr. Schoene likes the fact that Traumeel is all natural and considers it a safe alternative to steroid use. She says there is “no toxicity to granulocytes, lymphocytes or platelets so their functions stay intact in the healing cascade reactions. “(Traumeel) elevates the growth factor (TGF-b), which is necessary for collagen production,” adds Dr. Schoene. “It also downregulates T-helper 3 (TH3) cells, which downregulate TH1 cells that are activated in inflammation.” In contrast to using steroid injections, one can administer Traumeel multiple times. In addition, there are no drug-drug interactions and it has anti-edematous and anti-exudative properties, according to Dr. Schoene. In contrast to using steroid injections, one can administer Traumeel multiple times. In addition, there are no drug-drug interactions and it has anti-edematous and anti-exudative properties, according to Dr. Schoene.“(Traumeel) decreases the ‘bad inflammation’ and allows the ‘good healing’ inflammation to take place,” states Dr. Klebe, a member of the Arizona Diabetes Association and the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.Other Pertinent ConsiderationsAlthough Dr. Klebe notes a high percentage of success using Traumeel on his patients, he says it may not always be 100 percent effective. “Sometimes (one) may need to supplement with cortisone or a problem may require up to three injections, one per week,” he says. However, both Drs. Schoene and Klebe would recommend Traumeel to practitioners looking for an effective way to provide pain relief for their patients.“I do not know of competitor products that work like Traumeel as far as injectables go,” says Dr. Schoene. “There are some topical products that some patients may prefer, but as far as tablets and injections go, it is really a fabulous product that I have had incredible results with over the years. I have had this long-kept secret in my toolbox for many years.”  

