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Call Your Senators To Support The VA Provider Equity Act

Your profession needs you. This is not a drill.

I have written several previous DPM Blogs regarding the VA Provider Equity Act.1–5 Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) recently introduced S 1871 in the Senate after a similar bill passed the House. Now is the time for podiatric physicians to stand up and be counted.

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Legislative Advocacy Department staff, led by Benjamin Wallner, and the APMA Board of Trustees, led by APMA President Ira Kraus, DPM, have worked diligently for successful passage of the VA bill in the 115th Congress. Of key importance was the letter of support from the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons and the Association of Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons, spearheaded by the relentless efforts of Dr. Krauss. Mr. Wallner positioned the bill for passage with strategic Senate meetings. Finally, the APMA Legislative Committee is working diligently alongside APMA state component leadership to mobilize the membership to take action.

The final piece to successfully passing this bill into law is grassroots activism. That means you. The profession needs you to call your two US senators (see attached PDF below with phone numbers) and ask for two things:

1. Cosponsorship of S. 1871

2. Support for S. 1871 when it is up for a vote on the Senate floor

The time is now. Do not wait to do it later. Pick up the phone right now and make your two calls. It will take 10 minutes, maximum. The passage of the VA Provider Equity Act is the first step in APMA’s comprehensive legislative plan. What are you waiting for? Pick up your phone, find your senators below and call now.


1. DeHeer P. Meeting with your congressional representatives to advocate for the profession. Podiatry Today DPM Blog. Available at . Published July 14, 2017.

2. DeHeer P. Why are orthopedic societies contradicting the literature on VA provider equity? Podiatry Today DPM Blog. Available at . Published March 28, 2017.

3. DeHeer P. Why you should support the VA Provider Equity Act. Podiatry Today DPM Blog. Available at . Published Aug. 12, 2015.

4. DeHeer P. Emphasizing legislative activity and passage of the VA Provider Equity Act. Podiatry Today DPM Blog. Available at . Published March 29, 2016.

5. DeHeer P. Call your senator now to ensure inclusion of S 2175 (The VA Provider Act) in the Veterans First Act. Podiatry Today DPM Blog. Available at . Published May 13, 2016.

