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Paying It Forward In A New Role As A Residency Director

Patrick DeHeer DPM FACFAS

I wear many hats in the podiatric profession, primarily because I love the profession and I believe it is my responsibility to leave podiatry better than I found it. When I lecture, my closing slide has two hands painted as a globe with the phrases “do good wherever you are” and “pay it forward.” I try to live these phrases, including in my professional life.

Towards the end of 2018, my colleague Chris Winters, DPM, decided to step down as the residency director of St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. Chris nurtured and developed the program during his tenure, making it a respected podiatric residency program. I participated in the training of residents during my entire career as an attending surgeon but never served as a residency director.

After discussing the opportunity with my wife and the current residents, I decided to apply for the position. After a thorough interviewing process, the hospital offered me the position and I accepted.

A residency director possesses a unique opportunity to influence the profession by guiding the post-graduate education of the profession’s future. Serving as a residency director was another opportunity to “pay it forward” to the residents under my tutelage and to podiatry.

I am ready and eager to add the challenge to my already full plate. I look forward to building upon the foundation created by Chris, helping the St. Vincent Podiatry Residency Program reach its fullest potential. The program has an outstanding group of attending podiatric physicians dedicated to the residents’ educational process. It is an honor to work alongside them. The St. Vincent hospital system is committed to the residency program and having this kind of institutional support is critical for an optimal learning environment.

When the opportunity to “pay it forward” arose, I accepted. I preach that with membership comes responsibility. As a podiatric physician, you are a member of the profession. We have the responsibility of serving the public we care for, the profession we have dedicated our lives to, our colleagues within the profession and in health care in general, and the education of the young physicians following in our footsteps.



