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Podiatric Dermatology Quiz: What Kind Of Lesion Is This?

Tracey Vlahovic DPM

Can you identify the type of lesion shown in the photo at the left?

These atypical moles differ from common nevi as they are usually larger in size and lack pigment uniformity. Color ranges from reddish hues to brown to blue-black. The clinical appearance of a popular, pigmented central portion surrounded by a less pigmented macular border gives rise to the “fried egg” nomenclature.

These lesions may uncommonly undergo malignant transformation and all suspicious lesions warrant biopsy. Individuals with these lesions are at greater risk of developing a de novo melanoma and periodic full body examination is prudent.

What is your diagnosis?

* Halo nevus
* Spitz nevus
* Congenital nevus
* Dysplastic nevus
* Acral nevus

Please leave your answers in the comment section below. I’ll share the answer in the next couple of days on Facebook and Twitter, and at the end of my next blog.

Editor’s note: This blog is adapted from the forthcoming book, Skin Disease Of The Lower Extremities: A Photographic Guide, from Tracey Vlahovic, DPM, and Stephen M. Schleicher, MD. The book will be published in 2012 by HMP Communications.

