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Why Equinus Is The Root Of All Foot Evils

Equnius has been associated with 96.5 percent of all biomechanically-related lower extremity pathologies.1 I have compiled a list of lower extremity pathologies (see below) that research has shown to have an equinus component along with the associated references.

Lower extremity orthopedic pathologies related to equinus:

Plantar heel pain/plantar fasciitis1-26

Achilles tendonitis/tendonosis1,27-33

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction/adult flatfoot deformity2,8,25,26,32,34-42

Muscle strains43

Stress fractures31,44,45

Shin splints/medial tibial stress syndrome31,44,46,47

Iliotibial band syndrome44,46

Patellofemoral syndrome48

Ankle sprains/fractures49

Diabetic foot ulcers25,26,50-56

Charcot deformity55,57-60


Metatarsophalangeal synovitis/pre-dislocation syndrome8

Hallux abducto valgus1,2,25,36,40,61-63

Hammertoes/claw toes25,40,64

Lisfranc/midfoot arthrosis25,41,65

Hallux limitus/hallux rigidus7,40

Forefoot calluses1,40

Morton’s neuroma25,60,67

Chronic ankle instability68

Poor balance/increased fall rate in elderly69

Sever’s disease70,71

Pediatric flatfoot72,73

Lateral foot pain1

Genu recurvatum60

Low back pain60

Arch pain4

Ankle arthrosis25,26

Subtalar arthrosis25


Disclaimer: I am the inventor of the EQ/IQ equinus brace. To learn more about this device, please visit .


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4. Maskill JD, Bohay DR, Anderson JG. Gastrocnemius recession to treat isolated foot pain. Foot Ankle Int. 2010; 31(1):19-23.

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11. Batt ME, Tanji JL, Skattum N. Plantar fasciitis: a prospective randomized clinical trial of the tension night splint. Clin J Sports Med. 1996; 6(3):158-162.

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16. Beyzadeoglu T, Gokce A, Bekler H. The effectiveness of dorsiflexion night splint added to conservative treatment for plantar fasciitis. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2007; 41(3):220-224.

17. Solan MC, Carne A, Davies MS. Gastrocnemius shortening and heel pain. Foot Ankle Clin. 2014; 19(4):719-738.

18. Porter D, Barrill E, Oneacre K, May BD. The effects of duration and frequency of Achilles tendon stretching on dorsiflexion and outcome in painful heel syndrome: a randomized, blinded, control study. Foot Ankle Int. 2002; 23(7):619-624.

19. Bolívar YA, Munuera PV, Padillo JP. Relationship between tightness of the posterior muscles of the lower limb and plantar fasciitis. Foot Ankle Int. 2013; 34(1):42-48.

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Additional References

74. Lundgren P, Nester C, Liu A, et al. Invasive in vivo measurement of rear-, mid-and forefoot motion during walking. Gait Posture. 2008; 28(1):93-100.

75. Evans AM, Scutter SD. Sagittal plane range of motion of the pediatric ankle joint: a reliability study. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2006; 96(5):418-422.

76. Gourdine-Shaw MC, Lamm BM, Herzenberg JE, Bhave A. Equinus deformity in the pediatric patient: Causes, evaluation, and management. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2010; 27(1):25-42.


