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Clinical Solutions in Practice

Can Two New Creams Help Combat Inflammation?

October 2008

There is no shortage of conditions in the lower extremity that may necessitate the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Given potential polypharmacy issues for many patients, physicians may be leery of utilizing systemic options and favor topical formulations for combating acute and chronic inflammation.

With the introduction of Ibunex™ and Gluconex™ Muscle and Joint Therapy, physicians now have two additional modalities to target inflammation and its underlying cause, according to the manufacturer Core Products Laboratories, Inc.

Consisting of ibuprofen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, MSM and bromelain, Ibunex cream is an acute care formula that is administered directly onto the skin. The recommended application duration is 14 days.

Gluconex, which the company describes as a long-term health regimen, contains the same ingredients as Ibunex minus the ibuprofen. The company notes that both Ibunex and Gluconex penetrate the epidermis via a Liposomal Dermal Delivery Matrix™, which uses liposomes to carry key ingredients to affected areas.

DPMs Cite Efficacy Of Creams For Variety Of Conditions

Lynnelle Gabriel, DPM, has been using the creams for 10 months with success.

“They are fantastic for soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, ankle sprains, muscular strains, aches and pains, tendonitis, arthritic conditions and bursitis,” says Dr. Gabriel, a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, who practices in Wood Lands, Houston and Conroe, Texas.

Dr. Gabriel also emphasizes postoperative use of the cream to aid in tissue manipulation and encourages patients to use it prior to kinetic activity such as range of motion exercises. She has also used the product on occasion for patients with diabetic neuropathy and recommends its use with ultrasound during physical therapy treatments.

Scott Grodman, DPM, has also been impressed with the Ibunex cream.

“I have given it to my patients for all types of pain — heel pain, bunion pain, shin splints, metatarsalgia, neuroma pain — literally any acute injury. It really reduces the pain and inflammation,” notes Dr. Grodman, who is a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedics and Medicine.

Are The Products Well Received By Patients?

Dr. Gabriel says most of her patients have had a positive response to the creams. “They like the ease of use of the product and the fact that it really helps with pain control and inflammation,” she says.

Dr. Grodman concurs. He points out that Ibunex is odorless, not too greasy and relatively inexpensive, factors that increase patient satisfaction.

Dr. Gabriel says her patients are receptive to the fact that both Ibunex and Gluconex are non-systemic approaches to pain management. The fact that the creams are easy to apply and directly target the site makes patients feel as if they are playing a more active role in their care, according to Dr. Gabriel.

In his clinical experience, Dr. Grodman has found that Ibunex is much better at relieving symptoms compared to some other available products (including Biofreeze).

Dr. Grodman does recommend Ibunex to his podiatric colleagues.
“It is a must for the treatment of today’s common painful pathologies,” notes Dr. Grodman, who is in private practice in Ferndale and Taylor, Mich.

Ms. Garthwait is a freelance writer who lives in Downingtown, Pa.

