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Clinical Solutions in Practice

Innovative Laser May Offer Effective Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis

Danielle Chicano, Contributing Editor
October 2014

Are you looking for an effective conservative option to treat chronic pain in patients with plantar fasciitis?

Then you may want to consider FX 635, an innovative low-level laser treatment that offers relief of pain and inflammation in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis, according to the manufacturer Erchonia Medical. The company explains that this FDA-approved laser provides regenerative powers that can reduce inflammation and eliminate pain in the plantar fascia in a matter of weeks.

Erchonia adds that unlike other lasers on the market, the FX 635 is proven to promote cellular regeneration through painless biostimulation.

Kerry Zang, DPM, FACFAS, has been using the FX 635 laser in his practice for more than five years. He offers it to all his patients who suffer from a degenerative fasciopathy and have had heel pain for longer than 12 weeks.

“I use this laser system on a daily basis to treat a number of conditions: tendinitis, ligamentous injury, capsulitis, post-op edema, etc.,” adds Dr. Zang, a Diplomate of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

Similarly, Shahram Askari, DPM, uses the FX 635 laser to treat plantar fasciitis, fasciosis and even some tendinopathy conditions as well as to reduce postoperative pain and edema. Dr. Askari explains that the laser works well as a safe alternative to traditional treatments for plantar fasciitis, including cortisone injections.

“This treatment does not cause the degenerative damage that is a high possibility with cortisone injections in the soft tissues in the plantar aspect of the foot,” says Dr. Askari. “Using the laser instead of cortisone also allows prevention or at least reduction of future trauma or injury to the foot that can be expected with cortisone.”

Additionally, Dr. Zang explains, “the FX 635 laser is a non-invasive form of regenerative medicine, which stimulates a low grade healing response as opposed to steroids, which are suppressants.”
Drs. Zang and Askari both state that the only apparent drawback to the laser is its somewhat lengthy treatment time. However, both doctors agree that the rewards outweigh this potential setback.

“There is a slightly longer time needed to complete the treatment plan. However, in the long run, it appears to save the majority of patients from surgery and unnecessary treatments,” explains Dr. Askari, who is in private practice in Mesa, Ariz.

Michael Coughlin, MD, led the study of the FX 635 laser that began approximately three years ago. The only drawback he has found is the lack of insurance coverage, which he attributes to the technology being relatively new. However, Dr. Coughlin explains that there have been no reported complications of using the cold laser.

“The laser allows treatment without anesthesia and pain medicine is not necessary. Patients can continue their activities and sporting activities,” adds Dr. Coughlin, the Director of the Coughlin Clinic at St. Alphonsus Foot and Ankle Clinic in Boise, Idaho.

Ms. Chicano is a freelance writer who lives in Philadelphia.

