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Volume 24 - Issue 9 - September 2011

Online Exclusive
When conservative measures fail, endoscopic decompression may provide pain relief of Morton’s neuroma. This author provides key diagnostic pearls, imaging insights and surgical tips.
When conservative measures fail, endoscopic decompression may provide pain relief of Morton’s neuroma. This author provides key diagnostic pearls, imaging insights and surgical tips.
When conservative measures...
Podiatry Today
Hyperhidrosis not only predisposes the feet to fungal and bacterial infection, but it can also negatively affect the patient’s quality of life. Accordingly, these authors discuss the treatment of hyperhidrosis with various iterations of...
Hyperhidrosis not only predisposes the feet to fungal and bacterial infection, but it can also negatively affect the patient’s quality of life. Accordingly, these authors discuss the treatment of hyperhidrosis with various iterations of...
Hyperhidrosis not only...
Podiatry Today
Numerous methods of bone stimulation have emerged in recent years but how effective are they at facilitating healing? These authors take a critical look at the evidence on the efficacy of electrical stimulation, low-intensity pulsed...
Numerous methods of bone stimulation have emerged in recent years but how effective are they at facilitating healing? These authors take a critical look at the evidence on the efficacy of electrical stimulation, low-intensity pulsed...
Numerous methods of bone...
Podiatry Today


Case Study
These authors detail the case of a 52-year-old man who presented with a fast spreading necrotizing fasciitis and a severe infection.
These authors detail the case of a 52-year-old man who presented with a fast spreading necrotizing fasciitis and a severe infection.
These authors detail the case...
Podiatry Today


Doctors are required to report abuse in most states. We first think of child abuse and all of its signs, but there are other forms of abuse that occur and we must report them.
Doctors are required to report abuse in most states. We first think of child abuse and all of its signs, but there are other forms of abuse that occur and we must report them.
Doctors are required to report...
Podiatry Today
Industry News
Podiatric patients can treat dry, cracked heels in three steps with the new Sleep-N-Heel Heel Rejuvenating Kit.
Podiatric patients can treat dry, cracked heels in three steps with the new Sleep-N-Heel Heel Rejuvenating Kit.
Podiatric patients can treat...
Podiatry Today
Treatment Dilemmas
Ankle replacement is rapidly becoming a comparable option to ankle fusion in the treatment of ankle arthritis. Although ankle replacements in the 1970s did not fare well, the new generation of ankle replacements has provided an excellent...
Ankle replacement is rapidly becoming a comparable option to ankle fusion in the treatment of ankle arthritis. Although ankle replacements in the 1970s did not fare well, the new generation of ankle replacements has provided an excellent...
Ankle replacement is rapidly...
Podiatry Today
Surgical Pearls
Imagine that you were running late on your way to the hospital to attend to an urgent patient. You have a choice of two routes. One route is longer because it uses two streets, each with a traffic light, and no place to make a U-turn and...
Imagine that you were running late on your way to the hospital to attend to an urgent patient. You have a choice of two routes. One route is longer because it uses two streets, each with a traffic light, and no place to make a U-turn and...
Imagine that you were running...
Podiatry Today
Diabetes Watch
Every physician, regardless of specialty, faces the non-adherent patient. When the patient has diabetes, things become even more complicated. Even though we as podiatrists are not actively managing the patient’s diabetes, his or her...
Every physician, regardless of specialty, faces the non-adherent patient. When the patient has diabetes, things become even more complicated. Even though we as podiatrists are not actively managing the patient’s diabetes, his or her...
Every physician, regardless of...
Podiatry Today


When considering which methods of wound debridement will be effective in their patients, clinicians have a wide range of choices at their disposal. These expert panelists discuss their preferences for sharp debridement, ultrasound...
When considering which methods of wound debridement will be effective in their patients, clinicians have a wide range of choices at their disposal. These expert panelists discuss their preferences for sharp debridement, ultrasound...
When considering which methods...
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