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Industry News

New Products November 2016

November 2016

Combating Fungal Infection

Your patients may welcome a new launch of a tried and true antifungal that reportedly treats a variety of skin infections from different pathogens.

Loprox® Cream, 0.77% is a broad-spectrum therapy that utilizes ciclopirox to treat five different skin infections from six different pathogens, according to the manufacturer Medimetrix Pharmaceuticals. The company says Loprox is indicated for the topical treatment of tinea pedis, tinea cruris and tinea corporis due to Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum and Microsporum canis; candidiasis (moniliasis) due to Candida albicans; and tinea (pityriasis) versicolor due to Malassezia furfur. Medimetrix Pharmaceuticals notes patients usually see the effects of Loprox Cream in the first week.

The recently launched Loprox Cream Kit includes Loprox Cream, 0.77% and Rehyla® Hair & Body Cleanser for patient convenience. 

Company: Medimetriks Pharmaceuticals
Product: Loprox® (ciclopirox) Cream, 0.77% and Loprox® (ciclopirox) Cream, 0.77% Kit including Rehyla® Hair & Body Cleanser
For more info, visit .

Checkmate Against Toe Arthritis

Surgeons have a new weapon against end-stage toe arthritis.

The CheckMATE® 3.0 Fusion Plate is low profile yet strong and rigid, according to the manufacturer Arthrosurface. The company says the plate is quicker to implant and improves patient comfort.

Arthrosurface says the CheckMATE 3.0 includes various elements built into the plate to reduce implantation time. The company adds that the plate’s design minimizes postoperative irritation as well as the need for secondary surgery for hardware removal. 

Company: Arthrosurface
Product: CheckMATE® 3.0 Fusion Plate
For more info, visit .

Promoting Clear Nail Growth

An innovative laser may help clear up onychomycosis.

The Lunula Laser recently received 510(k) approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), according to the manufacturer Erchonia Corporation. The company maintains that the Lunula Laser is the only low-level laser to receive the FDA’s 501(k) marketing clearance for onychomycosis.

The company cites a clinical trial showing 67 percent of patients met the success criteria of 3 mm of clear nail growth. Erchonia adds that study patients had laser treatments once a week for four weeks.

Company: Erchonia Corporation
Product: Lunula Laser
For more info, visit .

