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Practice Builders

Should You Use Artificial Intelligence To Create Medical Content For Your Website, Blog, Or Social Media?

June 2023




Published in Partnership with the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management.

We all know that AI (artificial intelligence) can do amazing things. It’s hard to look at social media without hearing some news about ChatGPT, Jasper, Midjourney, and other platforms. But have you ever considered using AI to create medical content for your website, blog, or social media accounts? Let’s take an in-depth look at the potential benefits of AI-generated medical content—and why it may or may not be the right choice for you.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a term used to describe the technology that enables computers, machines, and robots to act in ways that appear intelligent. AI can be used for a variety of tasks, from recognizing patterns and making decisions to solving complex problems. AI can be divided into 2 main categories: machine learning and deep learning. Machine learning involves training computers to learn from data using algorithms and statistical models, while deep learning involves teaching computers how to recognize patterns through neural networks.
Using AI to create medical marketing content can be beneficial as it can help you produce more accurate and up-to-date information quickly. AI can also help you better target your audience with personalized content that is tailored specifically for them. However, when considering using AI for medical content creation it is important to understand the implications of using such technology and ensure that any information provided is accurate and reliable.

Benefits of Using AI for Medical Content Creation

AI programs access information about healthcare topics from across the internet. Because of this, they often deliver information quickly and usually accurately. For example, an AI algorithm could help with keyword research to determine what prospective patients may be searching for. This helps you to generate content around those keywords, making it more likely that your website’s article will rank higher on Google and the other search engines.
Utilizing AI for creating content can help reduce costs and save time associated with medical researching and writing. It can potentially reduce the need to hire writers to create your content. Using AI can also significantly reduce the time required to create content for your website or blogs. What can you do with that saved time? You can spend more time treating the patients who come in as a result of finding the content you are creating.

Understanding The Limitations of AI in Healthcare Content Writing

AI technologies can be powerful tools for creating medical content; however, there are certain limitations that one should take into consideration. One limitation of using AI for content creation is the lack of understanding of complex medical topics. AI algorithms may not be able to grasp the nuances and complexities of certain health care–related topics, making it difficult to create accurate and reliable content. The information that the AI is pulling from may be outdated or incorrect.
Another limitation of using AI for health care content writing is its inability to capture the human element. Content written by humans often has an emotional connection with readers that is not possible with AI-generated content. Furthermore, AI algorithms are unable to comprehend cultural or regional issues frequently encountered in health care content writing.

How To Ensure Quality and Accuracy With AI-Generated Content

It is important to focus on the quality and accuracy of content you generate for your practice. To guarantee that the output of the AI system is up to the mark, there are a few steps you can take.
First and foremost, it is essential to review any AI-generated content before publishing it. While an AI system may produce accurate results, it may be missing some nuances or context which only a human can spot and address. Reviewing any output from an AI system ensures that the generated content meets your standards of quality and accuracy before being published.
It’s important to ensure that any content created with AI is accurate and up to date with the latest medical information. The use of AI should also be monitored constantly to ensure that it is providing reliable results and not leading people astray. Remember, this is machine learning. The output is only as good as the data it is accessing. ChatGPT, for instance, states right on the front page that it has limited knowledge of events after 2021.
The quality and nature of the output generated by an AI are highly dependent on the prompts given to it by the user. The accuracy and relevance of the text will vary based on the clarity and specificity of the prompts. In cases where the prompts are well-defined, the AI is likely to produce accurate and relevant output. On the other hand, when the prompts are vague or ambiguous, the responses may be less coherent, completely incorrect, or nonsense. It is therefore crucial for users of AI-generated content to carefully consider the prompts they provide to achieve the desired results.
In fact, as the popularity and usage of AI continue to increase, a new industry focused on "prompt engineering" is emerging. This industry is dedicated to developing effective and specific prompts that can help improve the quality and relevance of AI-generated content. The demand for this kind of specialized expertise is likely to grow as more industries and organizations seek to incorporate AI-generated content into their operations. By utilizing expertly crafted prompts, organizations can enhance the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated content and improve the overall quality of their operations. As a result, it seems prompt engineering is becoming an increasingly important field within the AI industry.

Future Trends In The Use Of Artificial Intelligence For Health Care Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence is evolving at a tremendous rate. While we’re not at risk of a Terminator situation where computers take over the world, each version of AI is significantly more powerful than the ones before. AI technology is becoming more sophisticated. As these platforms began, in my observation, they were terribly inaccurate when producing medical content. In just a short time, that has changed, and the output has become much more accurate. I expect that AI will eventually be able to understand complex medical concepts and create content that is accurate, clear, and engaging. Also, I believe AI will be used to automate many aspects of content production. This includes formatting, proofreading, and editing.
Another trend that I already see starting is having an AI-powered chatbot on your website. This is using AI for patient engagement. AI tools can help with the initial triage when a prospective patient contacts your office. It may help determine the severity of the condition, and even interface with your practice management system to schedule an appointment. There are certainly medicolegal considerations to address, but don’t be surprised when this becomes a reality.
AI-created content will continue to refine and improve. The time from one version to the next has been extremely short. With time, it is possible that content created by AI will be indistinguishable from human-created content. Currently, medical content created by AI tools can be useful as a research tool, as well as providing a first draft of content created for a practice’s website, blog, or social media. It is essential that practitioners scrutinize the output to ensure that the content is factually correct. Used properly, however, I believe AI-created medical marketing content could save time and help produce quality material.

Dr. Andrew Schneider is in private practice at Tanglewood Foot Specialists in Houston. He is a Fellow and President of the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM), Board Certified by ABPM, and a Fellow of ACPM. Dr. Schneider speaks internationally on topics related to practice management, marketing, wound care, and biomechanics. Dr. Schneider can be contacted at

