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Wound Care Q&A

One Podiatrist's Experience Choosing Antimicrobial Therapy

January 2023

Welcome back to Podiatry Today Podcasts where we bring you the latest in foot and ankle medicine and surgery from leaders in the field. I'm Dr. Jennifer Spector, the assistant editorial director for Podiatry Today. And in today's episode, our January Wound Care Q&A is with our clinical editor, Dr. Kazu Suzuki. Dr. Suzuki is the medical director of the Apex Wound Care Clinic in Los Angeles. He's also a member of the attending staff of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California. Today, Dr. Suzuki is chatting with us about his point of view and experience in antimicrobial decision-making in wound care.

Welcome Dr. Suzuki, and thank you so much for being with us today. In your practice, what's your algorithm or system that you use to choose when a patient needs any type of antimicrobial?

To listen to this Q and A in podcast form, click here.


