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HARTMANN TwoPress® 2 and TwoPress® 2 Lite 2-Layer Compression Bandage System

TwoPress® 2 and TwoPress® 2 Lite are 2-component compression systems consisting of a short-stretch padding bandage and a long-stretch cohesive/compression bandage with a visual indicator that supports consistent application. Sustained compression is applied for up to 7 days.

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HARTMANN USA shares the 200-year legacy of the HARTMANN GROUP, an international health care solutions company that has made substantial medical advancements in wound care and skin health.


1 kit of 2 bandages. Padding layer: 4"x7.1 yd. Cohesive layer: 4"x8.9 yd (stretched). Non-sterile.

• Padding bandage is thin and air-permeable
• Cohesive compression bandage locks into padding bandage and features visual indicator that supports correct and consistent application
• TwoPress® 2 may be used on patients with an ABPI of 0.9-1.3.
• TwoPress® 2 Lite may be used on patients with an ABI of 0.6-0.8.
• Bandages sticks to itself, preventing it from slipping down and providing optimal patient comfort

TwoPress® 2 and TwoPress® 2 Lite are indicated for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency with and without ulcus cruris venosum, thrombophlebitis, varicosis, and chronic oedemata or other origins.

• Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)
• Decompensated heart failure (NYHA II +IV)
• Phlegmasia coerulea dolens
• In case of ABPI >1.3 and

• Pronounced sensibility disorders of the extremities
• Pronounced weeping dermatoses
• Incompatibility with compression material
• Primary chronic polyarthritis
• The application technique may have to be adapted to the patient's anatomical and pathophysiological  characteristics
• If the foot pulse is not palpable, a Doppler ultrasound should be carried out to determine the ABPI prior to starting therapy
• If an inelastic system is created close to full stretch application, high ankle pressures should be closely monitored by a physician

Store at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and moisture. Do not use if package is damaged.

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