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S-Core® is a versatile platform for osteochondral reconstruction. The device comes in a wide range of sizes to address most lesions. Whether it is for foot and ankle, hand, wrist and elbow, or for the knee and shoulder, S-Core® could be a great option for you.

Indicated for the fixation of trabecular fractures, osteotomies bone edema, and as a fixation point for soft tissue and graft augmentation.

Only the S-Core® Platform provides a secure structural repair of the underlying bone with a platform for an allograft augmentation for a “time zero” repair that allows the patient to return to activity sooner. The device comes in a wide range of sizes to address most lesions pf the lower extremities.

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Subchondral Solutions

Subchondral Solutions

Founded in 2015, Subchondral Solutions, Inc. began by assembling a team with over 70+ years of surgical product development and commercialization, combined with over 40 years of device engineering and biomechanical research, with a vision of uncovering the underlying reason for failures or suboptimal outcomes in joint preservation surgical interventions. The literature, over the past 10 years, has repeatedly shown that the subchondral bone and cartilage work together as unit and depend on one another to preserve the health and function of the joint. The cartilage depends on the metabolic nutrients that are produced in the subchondral bone  for its health. If the bone is compromised, (edema, trabecular fractures) it is unable to deliver the necessary nutrition to the cartilage and the health of the cartilage can therefore become compromised.

Convenient Disposable Kit

  • For All Procedures

  • Disposable T-10 Driver

  • Guide Wires

  • Dermal Punch

  • S-Core® Implant

  • S-Core® Cannulate Countersink

  • S-Core® Cannulated Coring Reamer

  • Arthroscopic Knot Pusher

Hallux Rigidus: Cheilectomy, bunions, past traumas and other 1st MPJ pathologies often present with lesions of the 1st metatarsal head or proximal phalanx. S-Core® targets those defects and provides a functionally anatomic reconstruction of the entire osteochondral unit.

Freiberg's Infraction & AVN of the Lesser Metatarsals: Treatment options include osteotomy or excision of met head among others. S-Core® allows surgeon to decompress the diseased bone and insert implant to stabilize the bone. Similar to Rebar in concrete. Patients can weight bear and mobilize immediately.

Talus: Talar dome lesions have been shown to be high frequency in patients with past fractures or history of ankle sprains. S-Core® can be implanted both arthroscopically and open depending on lesion location. Minimally invasive bone preparation followed by insertion of the S-Core® platform technology stabilizes the subchondral bone and is a platform for graft augmentation, providing immediate time zero fixation and can enable weight bearing immediately.

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