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Conference Coverage

Conference Coverage
Study findings suggest that the psychosocial toll of the pandemic on patients with rheumatic disease supports the need for care teams to assess and address mental health side effects.
Study findings suggest that the psychosocial toll of the pandemic on patients with rheumatic disease supports the need for care teams to assess and address mental health side effects.
Study findings suggest that the...
Rheumatology & Arthritis


Conference Coverage
Specific subtypes of symptomatic multi-joint osteoarthritis, in which at least one joint site is symptomatic, are associated with varying decrements in self-reported physical function.
Specific subtypes of symptomatic multi-joint osteoarthritis, in which at least one joint site is symptomatic, are associated with varying decrements in self-reported physical function.
Specific subtypes of symptomatic...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
chest xray
Conference Coverage
Researchers found that while a majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed within the previous 2 years had airway disease, in most the disease was mild and required no change in treatment.
Researchers found that while a majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed within the previous 2 years had airway disease, in most the disease was mild and required no change in treatment.
Researchers found that while a...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
Do Thiopurines Still Play a Role in Treating IBD?
Conference Coverage
Stephen Hanauer, MD, explained why thiopurines remain important in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease during his presentation at the virtual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit on July 12.
Stephen Hanauer, MD, explained why thiopurines remain important in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease during his presentation at the virtual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit on July 12.
Stephen Hanauer, MD, explained...
Rheumatology & Arthritis


Telehealth Answers Patients' Needs and Allays Fears During Pandemic
Conference Coverage
In the final session of the virtual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit, Joseph Merola, MD, and Alice Gottlieb, MD, spoke about how telehealth can benefit patients and physicians, and how to use it to assist in diagnosing psoriatic arthritis.
In the final session of the virtual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit, Joseph Merola, MD, and Alice Gottlieb, MD, spoke about how telehealth can benefit patients and physicians, and how to use it to assist in diagnosing psoriatic arthritis.
In the final session of the...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
Updates in Atopic Dermatitis
Conference Coverage
Emma Guttman, MD, PhD, reviewed the latest therapeutic advances in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, including the future of personalized medicine at IAS 2020.
Emma Guttman, MD, PhD, reviewed the latest therapeutic advances in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, including the future of personalized medicine at IAS 2020.
Emma Guttman, MD, PhD, reviewed...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Being Studied for IMIDs
Conference Coverage
Fecal microbiota transplantation has succeeded in treating recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection and is being investigated for its potential to offer relief for inflammatory gastrointestinal and other immune-mediated conditions. Jessica...
Fecal microbiota transplantation has succeeded in treating recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection and is being investigated for its potential to offer relief for inflammatory gastrointestinal and other immune-mediated conditions. Jessica...
Fecal microbiota transplantation...
Rheumatology & Arthritis


Updates in Psoriasis Treatment
Conference Coverage
At IAS 2020, Joel Gelfand, MD, MSCE, discusses the latest updates in the management of psoriasis, including the current data regarding the risk of COVID-19 among this patient population.
At IAS 2020, Joel Gelfand, MD, MSCE, discusses the latest updates in the management of psoriasis, including the current data regarding the risk of COVID-19 among this patient population.
At IAS 2020, Joel Gelfand, MD,...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
man with tape measure
Conference Coverage
Study findings suggest changes in patient-reported outcomes measures were lowest among patients with PsA and obesity compared to other BMI categories.
Study findings suggest changes in patient-reported outcomes measures were lowest among patients with PsA and obesity compared to other BMI categories.
Study findings suggest changes...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
Alexis Ogdie, MD
Dr Ogdie gives a recap of her presentation at the 2022 Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit on common comorbidities to be aware of in patients with inflammatory disorders.
Dr Ogdie gives a recap of her presentation at the 2022 Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit on common comorbidities to be aware of in patients with inflammatory disorders.
Dr Ogdie gives a recap of her...

