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Clinical Tips

Take and Show Pictures to Patients

September 2023

cameraPicturing Past Visits

I always take pictures of patients with nail issues, melasma, and hair loss because I feel these are some of the most cosmetically sensitive skin conditions. Pulling up pictures from the past visit helps me and the patient objectively see whether there is improvement.

Zeynep M. Akkurt, MD
Winston-Salem, NC

Show Patients Your Photos

Show your patients the photos you take of lesions and the progress being made so they see what you see. It also comforts the patient to know that the photos are appropriate.

Ron Vender, MD
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Minimize Wastage With Your Drysol Bottle

Most of us use Drysol to stop bleeding after a biopsy. Often, the Drysol is squirted onto the cotton-tipped applicators (CTAs) on the biopsy tray, wasting a lot of the product. To conserve Drysol, use a 25-gauge needle to lift the plastic squirt top out of the Drysol bottle and throw it away. Now when you need Drysol, just stick your clean CTA in the Drysol bottle. Use a separate clean CTA until the bleeding is stopped.

Debbie Adams Hauser, MHS, PA-C
Winston-Salem, NC

vaccineGently Ask About Vaccine Status

When asking about vaccinations, try saying, “Have you had a chance to get the [insert name of ] vaccination yet? Instead of asking, “Did you get your [insert name of ] vaccination?”

Ron Vender, MD
Hamilton, ON, Canada


