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Conference Coverage

Strategies for Healing Burnout

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Many medical providers are facing growing feelings of burnout in their practice. At Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants Annual Summer Dermatology Conference 2021, Abby Jacobson, MS, PA-C, offered strategies to manage and mitigate burnout.

“Health care provider burnout has been shown in the literature to lead to depression, provider suicide, and increased rates of substance abuse,” said Jacobson. “It’s also been associated with poorer patient outcomes, increased medical error, decreased quality of care, and also is an independent factor in physician malpractice suits.”

Signs of burnout include tiredness that does not respond to adequate rest; feelings of helplessness, trapped, or defeated; increased cynical or negative attitude; decreased productivity, interest, and satisfaction; and changes in appetite or sleep habits. Providers can check their level of professional burnout by using the validated Maslach Burnout Inventory.

Jacobson started by telling attendees that providers should not lie to themselves and try to self-trick into loving their job. “You would not tell your patient ‘just lie to yourself long enough, it’s ok not to validate your feelings.’ That’s not healthy,” said Jacobson.

Options to fight against professional burnout start with looking at work-life balance. Providers should look into negotiating less hours or looking at adding additional resources such as more staff to decrease workload. Making personal health a priority should also be a key focus; both physical health and mental health should be considered. Jacobson said another option is to look into changes in career or work environment, or even to try a side gig, which can serve as a creative outlet or an exit strategy.

Career changes can include education (faculty, program director, dean), business (hospital or medical administration, practice owner) medical science liaison, and pharmaceutical industry (medical director, marketing, pharmacovigilance, medical information).


Jacobson A. Healing healthcare burnout. Presented at: Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants Annual Summer Dermatology Conference 2021; July 22-25, 2021; Chicago, IL.



