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At-Home Blue Light Device Approved for Treating Acne

Tria Beauty recently announced it received over-the-counter (OTC) clearance from the FDA for a hand-held blue light device designed for at-home use for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. "This new platform validates Tria Beauty's heritage of harnessing technology previously available only in a professional setting so that it is safe and effective for daily at-home use," said Robert Grove, PhD, and CTO of TRIA Beauty, in a press release. "We believe this technology is far superior to any blue light device currently on the market and are confident consumers will agree." This blue light device was developed by the same scientists who designed the Tria Laser Hair Removal System, the first and only at-home laser for hair removal on the market. According to Tria, blue light is scientifically proven to eliminate acne-causing bacteria without harsh side effects. Tria Beauty claims its blue light technology that is 10 times more powerful than other OTC blue light devices. The proprietary design allows the Tria blue light to deliver an effective dose of blue light in much shorter treatment times, and to achieve faster clearance of breakouts, according to the company. In multiple clinical studies conducted by dermatologists, according to Tria, this blue light technology, used for 2 to 3 minutes, twice a day, cleared breakouts as quickly and effectively as professional blue light treatments as well as the leading prescription drug therapy. The new TRIA system will be available in Spring 2010. For more information, visit


