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Pediatric Psoriasis Is Underrecognized and Undertreated

According to a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, clinical features of psoriasis in pediatric cases are difficult to identify and available treatment options are limited in this group.

Researchers reviewed updates on treatments and challenges in managing pediatric psoriasis by searching relevant articles on PubMed. Relevant topics were analyzed for disease characteristics, epidemiology, treatment efficacy and safety, and access to care.

Results showed that clinical features of psoriasis can be difficult to identify and patients face challenges when accessing treatments. Medications approved for adult psoriasis lack evidence to support safe and effective pediatric use and access is limited. Clinical trials using biologic agents for pediatric psoriasis are growing and may broaden available treatment options, but may also raise concerns about using these therapies in children.

“Pediatric psoriasis is underrecognized and often undertreated,” concluded the study authors. “Clinicians must balance relative risks and potential benefits when developing a treatment strategy for these patients,” they added.

Hebert AA, Browning J, Kwong PC, Duarte AM, Price HN, Siegfried E. Managing pediatric psoriasis: update on treatments and challenges-a review. J Dermatolog Treat. 2022;33(5):2433-2442. doi:10.1080/09546634.2022.2059051


