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Pediatric Urticaria Resolution Associated With Elevated CD63 Levels and Thyroid Comorbidity

Elevated CD63 levels and thyroid disease are associated with chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) resolution in pediatric patients.

“We aimed to assess the demographics, clinical characteristics, comorbidities, natural history, and management of pediatric patients with CIndU,” explained the study authors.

Over a 6-year period, children presenting to an allergy clinic with CIndU were analyzed. Researchers defined resolution as the absence of hives for 1 year without treatment.

Of the pediatric cohort, the median age was 12.5 years and 60.3% had cold chronic urticaria and 41.3% had cholinergic chronic urticaria. Second-generation antihistamines controlled 71.4% of the cases. Within the 6-year course of the study, the resolution rate was 45.3% and more likely in patients who presented with well-controlled urticaria control test scores, elevated CD63 counts, and in those with a thyroid comorbidity.

“The natural history of CIndU resolution in pediatric patients was relatively low and was associated with elevated CD63 levels, as well as thyroid comorbidity,” concluded the study authors. –Lisa Kuhns

Miles LM, Gabrielli S, Le M, et al. Clinical characteristics, management, and natural history of chronic inducible urticaria in a pediatric cohort. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. Published online April 1, 2021. doi:10.1159/000514757


