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Trait Emotional Intelligence Protective Against Distressing States in Rosacea

Lisa Kuhns, PhD

Self-esteem and social phobia mediate the relationship between trait emotional intelligence (EI) and general distress, and high levels of trait El may protect against the onset of distressing states in rosacea, according to a study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

Researchers aimed to test whether an association between trail El and general distress in individuals with rosacea would be mediated by self-esteem and social phobia by administering questionnaires to 224 patients with rosacea.

Trait El was positively related to self-esteem and negatively related to social phobia and general distress. Social phobia and self-esteem mediate the role in the relationship between trait El and general distress. Study limitations include the cross-sectional nature of the data, small number of participants, and inability to differentiate participants according to rosacea type.

“These results emphasize how individuals with rosacea may be vulnerable to internalizing states and how high levels of trait EI may constitute a protective factor for the onset of distressing states. It would be useful to create programs aimed at fostering trait EI in rosacea sufferers,” concluded the study authors.



Barberis N, Cannavò M, Trovato M, Verrastro V. Pathways from trait emotional intelligence to factors of distress in rosacea: the mediating role of social phobia and self-esteem. J Affect Disord. Published online March 10, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2023.03.003


