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References for IL-17A/F

1. Gossec L, Baraliakos X, Kerschbaumer A, et al. EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update. Ann Rheum Dis. 2020;79(6):700-712. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217159

2. Raho G, Koleva DM, Garattini L, Naldi L. The burden of moderate to severe psoriasis: an overview. Pharmacoeconomics. 2012;30(11):1005-1013. doi:10.2165/11591580-000000000-00000

3. Reis J, Vender R, Torres T. Bimekizumab: the first dual inhibitor of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17F for the treatment of psoriatic disease and ankylosing spondylitis. BioDrugs. 2019;33(4):391-399. doi:10.1007/s40259-019-00361-6

4. Taams LS, Steel KJA, Srenathan U, Burns LA, Kirkham BW. IL-17 in the immunopathogenesis of spondyloarthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2018;14(8):453-466. doi:10.1038/s41584-018-0044-2

5. Adams R, Maroof A, Baker T, et al. Bimekizumab, a novel humanized IgG1 antibody that neutralizes both IL-17A and IL-17F. Front Immunol. 2020;11:1894. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01894

6. Ota K, Kawaguchi M, Matsukura S, et al. Potential involvement of IL-17F in asthma. J Immunol Res. 2014;2014:602846. doi:10.1155/2014/602846

7. Iboshi Y, Nakamura K, Fukaura K, et al. Increased IL-17A/IL-17F expression ratio represents the key mucosal T helper/regulatory cell-related gene signature paralleling disease activity in ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol. 2017;52(3):315-326. doi:10.1007/s00535-016-1221-1

8. Iwakura Y, Ishigame H, Saijo S, Nakae S. Functional specialization of interleukin-17 family members. Immunity. 2011;34(2):149-162. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2011.02.012

9. Wilson NJ, Boniface K, Chan JR, et al. Development, cytokine profile and function of human interleukin 17-producing helper T cells. Nat Immunol. 2007;8(9):950-957. doi:10.1038/ni1497

10. Hot A, Miossec P. Effects of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17F in human rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011;70(5):727-732. doi:10.1136/ard.2010.143768

11. Glatt S, Baeten D, Baker T, et al. Dual IL-17A and IL-17F neutralisation by bimekizumab in psoriatic arthritis: evidence from preclinical experiments and a randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial that IL-17F contributes to human chronic tissue inflammation. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018;77(4):523-532. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-212127

12. McGeachy MJ, Cua DJ, Gaffen SL. The IL-17 family of cytokines in health and disease. Immunity. 2019;50(4):892-906. doi:10.1016/j.immunity.2019.03.021

13. Taams LS. Interleukin-17 in rheumatoid arthritis: trials and tribulations. J Exp Med. 2020;217(3):1-7. doi:10.1084/jem.2019.20192048

14.Chen S, van Tok MN, Knaup VL, et al. mTOR blockade by rapamycin in spondylarthrosis: impact on inflammation and new bone formation in vitro and in vivo. Front Immunol. 2020;10(2344):1-13. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2019.012344

15. Ramakrishnan RK, Bajbouj K, Heialy SA, et al. IL-17 induced autophagy regulates mitochondrial dysfunction and fibrosis in severe asthmatic bronchial fibroblasts. Front Immunol. 2020;11(1002):1-13. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01002

16. Milovanovic J, Arsenijevic A, Sojanovic B, et al. Interleukin-17 in chronic inflammatory neurological diseases. Front Immunol. 2020;11(947):1-15. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.00947


