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Letter from the Editor

From the Editor: A Publishing Team Working Together For A Common Goal

James Calder, Managing Editor of TWC
December 2009

  The Today’s Wound Clinic special State of the Industry Report has been both the most challenging and rewarding undertaking of my 10-year publishing career. When I first came up with the idea of conducting intensive interviews with our community of wound care professionals working in the clinic, I had no idea that it had never been attempted before now. We faced many challenges during the creation of this report, but it was all made possible because of the valuable staff of Today’s Wound Clinic, who truly care about furthering the field of wound care.

  The staff of TWC has really come together, working as a well fired machine, to produce the SOI report. We collected rare data in a process of online surveys that took over one year to complete. Our Web team did an excellent job of promoting and capturing this data.

  The TWC State of the Industry Report had 912 intensive interviews, collecting information divided among four sections.

  Our Art Director, Bernadette Hazel, put in many late hours to turn the valuable data into an easy-to-read yet factual format.

  Editorial Assistant, Lauren Grant, for TWC played a key and crucial role—crunching the statistics, marketing and sales support, and proofreading the copy.

  The TWC sales team made every effort to make sure that all of our partners in industry had an opportunity to advertise in this special report.

  And last but certainly not least—several of our Editorial Board Members and authors shared their writing skills for articles in the report.

Priceless Information

  This special report features one-of-a-kind information that previously had not been available to the world of wound care.

  Intensive interviews were completed in the areas of salary, clinic volume and revenue, consultant and management services, and staff responsibilities. The 912 completed surveys—in my opinion—represent a hunger for information in the clinic setting by the clinicians who practice there every day.

  This market research is a must read for anyone working in the wound care clinic or facility setting.

  If you are a CEO or hospital staff member investigating the creation of a wound care clinic, or simply want to evaluate where existing clinics stand, this report can not be missed.

  Please order this limited report today for $1500.00 in order to benefit your career and your clinic. This will be one of the most valuable resources that you may ever purchase. If you haven’t yet placed an order for your own copy of the report, visit

  If you have already ordered and received your copy of the report, we thank you and now invite you to explore and tackle the data that we have collected.

