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ICD-10-CM: One Time Only ICD-10-CM Workshop for the Wound Care Industry: A Learning Opportunity That You Can Not Afford to Miss!

September 2011

Manufacturers and Distributors:

  • Do you list diagnosis codes on your sales and marketing literature?
  • Are you conducting clinical trials in 2013?
  • Do you use databases that contain diagnosis codes for market research, economic modeling, etc.?

Physicians, Podiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Clinical Nurse Specialists:

  • Do you document your patients’ diagnoses?
  • Do you use documentation templates to guide you?
  • Do you use an electronic medical record or a paper charge sheet that includes diagnosis codes?

Program Directors, Coders, Billers, Charge Description Master Directors:

  • Do you use paper documents that contain diagnosis codes?
  • Do you use an electronic medical record or a paper charge sheet that includes diagnosis codes?
  • Do your ordering physicians, podiatrists, and non-physician practitioners need to improve their documentation to justify the medical necessity for their services and for the services of your facility?

  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, your attendance at the ICD-10-CM Coding Workshop is of utmost importance because you have a lot of work to do in 2012.

  On October 1, 2013, the United States will convert from the ICD-9-CM diagnosis coding system to the ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding system. This will be a major undertaking for wound care manufacturers, distributors, and professionals because ICD-10-CM is not a minor tweak to the existing diagnosis coding system. It is a brand new system.

  This one-time only, one-day only workshop is especially designed to focus on the portions of the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding system that pertains to the wound care industry. Two highly respected instructors, Donna Cartwright and Kathleen Schaum, will educate the wound industry about:

    1. the format of the new ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes,
    2. guidelines for the use of the ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes,
    3. documentation refinements that will be required to track to the more specific ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, and
    4. implementation steps that wound care manufacturers, distributors, professionals, and business operations personnel should begin as soon as they return to their wound care businesses.

  Currently, some physicians, podiatrists, and non-physician practitioners may not be providing enough information in the medical record to track to a specific ICD-9-CM code and to justify the medical necessity of the services and products that they provide to patients with chronic wounds. That lack of documentation will become an even larger problem when approximately 13,000 ICD-9-CM codes become more than 68,000 ICD-10-CM codes in 2013. An added benefit of attending the one-time only, one-day only is that the wound care professionals who legally diagnose patients can begin using the more specific documentation that will be required in 2013, which will help them provide the information to track to the most specific ICD-9-CM codes in 2012.

  To make this workshop easy and economical to attend, Donna, Kathleen, and HMP Communications strategically attached it to the 2011 Fall SAWC in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 12, 2011. Only one airline ticket will be required to attend both the ICD-10-CM Workshop and the 2011 Fall SAWC. Manufacturers and distributors will be able to attend the ICD-10-CM Workshop the day before they set-up their SAWC exhibits. Wound care professionals can take the time necessary to learn the wound specific ICD-10-CM diagnosis coding system without having to miss any of the 2011 Fall SAWC. Business operations personnel may want to attend the ICD-10-CM Workshop and then stay to visit the exhibits at the 2011 Fall SAWC – or better yet, stay for the entire 2011 Fall SAWC!

  To hear a live message about the importance of the ICD-10-CM Workshop from Kathleen Schaum and to register for the October 12, 2011 Workshop, please visit the following Web Site: We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the new diagnosis coding system that you must begin to implement NOW. See you in Las Vegas!

